西人著書 -- 語法
字部緝解 / 孝纂
[Macao] : 澳門書院, 道光二十年[1840]
線裝1冊(19頁) ; 20.2公分
Sinica 1443
華英通用雜話. 上卷 = Chinese and English vocabulary. Part first
[Canton], [1843]
線裝1冊(12, 40頁) ; 24.1公分
By Robert Thom
No more parts published
Bound with another work
Sinica 355 書影
Sinica 380
Sinica 2884
The Chinese speaker, or Extracts from works written in the Mandarin language, as spoken in Peking. Part 1 / compiled for the use of students, by Robert Thom
Ningpo : Presbyterian Mission Press = 華花聖經書房, 1846
線裝1冊(102頁) ; 25.2公分
Chinese title: 《正音撮要. 上卷》
No more parts published
Sinica 358 書影
Inscribed: "To The Radcliffe Library, University of Oxford, presented by R. Thom, 1848."
Sinica 6580
寧郡[Ningpo] : 東壁齋, 1846
線裝1冊(3, 2, 3, 2, 8, 319頁) ; 26.2公分
English title-page: "A manual for youth and students. Or Chinese vocabulary and dialogues. Containing an easy introduction to the Chinese language. Ningpo dialect. Compiled and translated into English by P. Streenevassa Pillay"
Sinica 450 書影
Tng oe hoan ji chho hak, ti e-mng khek
[Amoy], 1852
線裝1冊(15頁) ; 20.5公分
By J van N Talmage
In romanised Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1607 全文
A a B b Ch ch
[Amoy], [1853]
線裝1冊(2頁) ; 19.6公分
By J van N Talmage
In romanised Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1601 全文
初學粵音切要 = A Chinese phonetic vocabulary, containing all the most common characters, with their sounds in the Canton dialect
香港 : 英華書院, 乙卯年[1855]
線裝1冊([1]+31頁) ; 20.5公分
By J Chalmers
Interleaved with western paper
Sinica 1570 書影
Has 《錯遺備考》, 1頁
Sinica 2510
[Shanghai], [1855]
線裝1冊(20, 2頁) ; 16.6公分
By T P Crawford
Explanation of New Phonetic Character for writing Shanghai dialect
Sinica 2073 書影 全文
Zong-hae too bak zaeh-mung
Zong-hae [Shanghai], 1860
線裝1冊(1, 75頁) ; 18.6公分
By C Keith
Primer of Shanghai dialect
Sinica 1476 書影
Dialect of Shanghai, China
[Shanghai], [1861?]
線裝1冊(8頁) ; 22.5公分
By B Jenkins
Contains two lists, "Phonetic characters and Roman equivalents" and "Roman syllables and phonetics"
Sinica 1625 書影 全文
文學書官話 = Mandarin grammar / 美國高第丕, 中國張儒珍著
[Shanghai], 1869
線裝1冊(2, 1, 53頁) ; 19.6公分
In Mandarin colloquial
Sinica 1521
a e i o o u o u
[Hong Kong], [c.1870]
線裝1冊(4頁) ; 19.2公分
By E Faber
Syllabary of the Hakka dialect
Sinica 1362 全文
Nying-po t'u-wo ts'u-'oh
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1871
平裝1冊(79頁) ; 17.0公分
Chinese title: 甯波土話初學
By H van Vleck Rankin
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1311 書影
[s.l.], [1872]
線裝1冊(8頁) ; 19.2公分
By T P Crawford
Explanation of phonetic system of writing Mandarin
Sinica 1382 全文
花夜記. 卷二
上海 : 美華書館, 光緒元年[1875]
線裝1冊([1], 31頁) ; 20.0公分
English title-page: "The Chinese first reader"
By J M W Farnham
In Shanghai dialect
Sinica 1539
盲字例言 : 不分卷
線裝1冊 ; 26公分
Backhouse 631
'Ang-tse t'u-wa
Lun-twen [London] : Fen dzun so we in, 1876
平裝1冊(21頁) ; 21.2公分
By A Elwin
In romanised Hangchow dialect
Sinica 2322
Hangchow primer. Translation and notes
London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1876
平裝1冊(34頁) : 21.4公分
By G E Moule
Accompanies Ang-tse t'u-wa (Sinica 2322)
Sinica 2323
康熙字典撮要 : 不分卷 / (英)湛約翰創著 ; (清)王揚安述譯
線裝3冊 ; 29公分
Sinica 1966 全文
Sinica 6111
英文舉隅 / (美)喀爾氏撰 ; (清)汪鳳藻譯
線裝1冊 ; 26公分
本書譯自 Simon Kerl: An elementary grammar of the English language (21st ed., New York, 1868)
Sinica 2127 書影
T'e-tsiu t'u-wa ts'u-oh
T'e-tsiu-fu [Taichow] : Nen-di we ing-shu-vong, 1880
平裝1冊(62頁) ; 20.8公分
By W D Rudland
In romanised Taichow dialect
Sinica 2321 書影
English and Chinese dictionary = 英華字典 / compiled by Rev. I. M. Condit
New York : American Tract Society ; 上海 : 美華書館[銅板], 1882
精裝1冊(134頁) ; 19公分
Vet. K7 e.95
Nying-po t'u-wo ts'u-'oh
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1883
線裝1冊(13頁) ; 17.3公分
Chinese title: 甯波土話初學
By H van Vleck Rankin
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Each half of the doubled-leaves is numbered, [1]-26
Sinica 2384 書影
袖珍華英字典 = The pocket Chinese and English vocabulary
Shanghai : American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1889
平裝1冊([2], 350頁) ; 14.9公分
Sinica 3950
習字淺錄 / 英國助教全英庫蘇氏譯
線裝1冊(1, 39頁) ; 22.8公分
Sinica 3960 書影
商務書館華英音韻字典集成 = Commercial Press English and Chinese pronouncing dictionary / 羅布存德氏原著 ; 企英譯書館增訂
上海 : 商務印書館, 光緒28年[1902]
精裝1冊(1835頁) ; 24公分
Sinica 3975
Nying ing lih yuing z we = 甯英列韻字彙
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Wo-me shu-gyuoh ing, 1904
線裝1冊([4], 54, 176頁) ; 24.1公分
Ningpo dialect dictionary
Sinica 3949
官話指南 / (日)吳啟太, (日)鄭永邦編著
精裝1冊 ; 19公分
Sinica 6316