西人著書 -- 耶穌教 -- 聖歌

嗎𠯿呷 : 英華書院, 道光十五年[1835]
線裝1冊(19頁) ; 21.0公分
By R Morrison?
Sinica 336

精裝 ; 19.8公分
Sinica 1406 全文

讚神樂章, 曲譜附 = Hymns and tunes
Nying-po [Ningpo], 1856
線裝1冊(26頁) : 樂譜 ; 23.0公分
By E C Lord
Chinese text with romanised Ningpo translation
Sinica 1636 全文

Sinica 2316 書影 全文

[Amoy], 咸豐七年[1857]
線裝1冊(39頁) ; 21.6公分
By W Young and A Stronach
In Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1659 全文

Nying-po [Ningpo] : 華花書房, 1858
線裝1冊(x, 72, 4頁) : 樂譜 ; 17.9 x 26.6公分
Chinese title: 聖山諧歌
By E B Inslee
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1827 全文

Sinica 2142

tsan sung sz
yan fung kyeu nyien [1859]
線裝1冊(3, 23頁) ; 21.3公分
By A B Cabaniss
In Shanghai dialect written in "New Phonetic Character"
Chinese characters for title and date are 「讚神詩」 and 「咸豐九年」
Sinica 1583 書影 全文

[Canton] : 惠愛醫館, 咸豐庚申[1860]
線裝1冊(60頁) : 樂譜 ; 20.5公分
By J Legge ; set to music by J Chalmers
Sinica 1535

上海 : 聖會堂, 1860
線裝1冊([2], 23頁) ; 16.4公分
By A B Cabaniss
In Shanghai dialect
Sinica 1264 書影 全文

[Shanghai], [1861]
線裝1冊(39頁) ; 14.0公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1154 全文

宗主詩章, 五十篇
[Hankow], [1861]
線裝1冊(30頁) ; 20.8公分
By G John
Lacks a title-page
Sinica 1566

[Amoy] : 濟世醫館, [1862]
線裝1冊(20頁) ; 21.5公分
By W C Burns
In Amoy dialect
Sinica 1660 全文

羊城[Canton] : 惠師禮堂, 同治二年[1863]
線裝1冊(20頁) ; 22.6公分
By G Piercy
Sinica 1677 全文

啟蒙詩歌 / 英國俾士氏撰
羊城[Canton] : 惠師禮堂, 同治二[1863]
線裝1冊(53頁) ; 23.8公分
In Canton dialect
Sinica 1741 全文

Tsaen-me s
Zong-hae [Shanghai], 1863
線裝1冊([76]頁) ; 23.9公分
By S N D Martin and H van Vleck Rankin
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1743

讚美詩. 卷一
讚美詩. 卷二
上海 : 美華書館, 1864
線裝1冊(3, 39, 39, 2頁) ; 17.6公分
In Shanghai dialect
In the central column of each leaf and at the beginning of the text, the two sections are entitled 「讚美詩」 and 「讚美詩補遺」 ; each section has an additional romanised title-page, "Tsa mae s. De ih kion" and "Poo ye. De nie kion"; both sections are bound together and were presumably published together
The first part contains hymns from H van V Rankins "Tsaen-me s" (in Ningpo dialect) selected and translated into Shanghai dialect by C R Mills; the second part is by J M W Farnham
The first edition was published in romanisation in 1862
Sinica 1303 書影 全文

[Peking] : 京都福音堂, 甲子[1864]
線裝1冊(4, 38頁) ; 20.1公分
By W C Burns
Sinica 1528 全文

[Peking], [c.1864]
線裝1冊 ; 20.0公分
A combined printing of two hymn-books by W C Burns
Sinica 1527 全文

Sinica 2050

香港 : 英華書院, 同治六年[1867]
線裝1冊(35頁) ; 19.8公分
By J Legge
Sinica 1498

[Hankow] : 漢口福音堂, 1867
線裝1冊(47頁) ; 20.5公分
By J Cox
Sinica 1562 全文

Nying-po t'u-wo tsaen-me s
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1868
平裝1冊([79]頁) ; 21.1公分
By S N D Martin and H van Vleck Rankin
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1581

Sin fui khyon thyau = Melodienbuch zum Gesangbuch der chinesischen Christengemeinden / herausgegeben von der evangel. Missionsgesellschaft in Basel
Basel, 1868
精裝1冊(79頁) : 樂譜 ; 21.1公分
Ed. by G Reusch
In romanised Hakka dialect
Sinica 1670 全文

曲譜讚美詩 : 上海土白
上海 : 美華書館, 1868
線裝1冊([1], 4, 3, 3, [1], 2, 59頁) : 樂譜 ; 22.7公分
By J M W Farnham
Sinica 1690 全文

Tsan maes, lau c'ok-poo, zong-hae t'oo-bak
[Shanghai] : Mae-wo su-kwaen, 1868
平裝1冊(various pagings) : 樂譜 ; 22.5公分
By J M W Farnham
Sinica 1694 全文

Sinica 2028 全文

Nying-po kyiao-we-li so yuong-go tsaen-me s
Leng-teng [London], 1868
精裝1冊(xii, 243頁) ; 12.5公分
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 2424

養心讚神詩 / [by] W. Dean
[Hong Kong], 1869
線裝1冊(23頁) ; 18.5公分
Ms note on title-page: "Hymns in Chinese. First printed at Bangkok 1840. Revised [1869] & 1875."
Sinica 1479 全文

讚美詩 / 高第丕集著
上海 : 美華書館, 1870
線裝1冊(31頁) ; 23.9公分
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1765 書影 全文

[Hong Kong], 同治九年[1870]
線裝1冊(22, 47, 46頁) ; 20.3公分
Compiled by R Lechler
Sinica 1648 全文

[Woochang] : 湖北省城福音會堂, 1870
線裝1冊(1, 64頁) ; 20.4公分
By G John
Sinica 1543 全文

頌揚真神歌 / 倪維思選輯
[附:] 婚喪公禮
上海 : 美華書局, 1871
線裝1冊(118, 13頁) ; 19.5公分
Sinica 2061 書影

頌揚真神歌 / 倪維思選輯
上海 : 美華書局, 1871
線裝1冊(118頁) ; 18.2公分
Sinica 1308 書影 全文

杭城[Hangchow] : 信一堂, [1871]
線裝1冊(1, 86頁) ; 22.5公分
By G E Moule
In Hangchow dialect
Sinica 1684

杭城[Hangchow] : 信一堂, [1871](癸未[1883]刷印)
線裝1冊(1, 86, [2]頁) ; 22.7公分
By G E Moule
In Hangchow dialect
Sinica 2313 書影 全文

宗主詩章, 榕腔
福州 : 太平街福音堂 : 南臺舖前頂救主堂, 同治十年[1871]
線裝1冊(2, 57頁) ; 20.5公分
By W C Burns, R S Maclay, and C Hartwell
In Foochow dialect
Sinica 1392 全文

福州 : 美華書局, 1872
線裝1冊(42頁) ; 20.4公分
By W Young, W C Burns and C Douglas
In Amoy dialect
Sinica 1649 全文

[Hong Kong], 1872
線裝1冊(76頁) ; 20.2公分
By Miss Oxlad
Ms. note on cover: "Miss M J Oxlad"
Sinica 1542 全文

'Ang-tse t'u-yin tsan-me-s
Zang-hai [Shanghai] : Me-wa S-yun, 1872
平裝1冊(vi, 64頁) ; 20.4公分
Tr. by G E Moule
In romanised Hangchow dialect
Sinica 1575

Sinica 2319 書影 全文

西國樂法啟蒙 : 二卷附卷聲調名目指點
上海 : 美華印書館, 1872
線裝1冊(22, 94, 122, [1], viii, 4, 42, 2頁) : 樂譜 ; 25.4公分
By J B Mateer
In Mandarin dialect
Each half-leaf is numbered
Sinica 2261 全文

香港 : 印務總局, 1873
線裝1冊(65頁) ; 17.4公分
By W C Burns
In Chaochow dialect
Enlarged edn., smaller format
Sinica 1266 書影 全文

香港 : 中華印務總局, 1873
線裝1冊(39頁) ; 20.0公分
By W C Burns
In Chaochow dialect
First edn
Sinica 2015 書影 全文

香港 : 中華印務總局, 1873
線裝1冊(81頁) ; 19.9公分
By W C Burns
In Chaochow dialect
Enlarged edn., identical with first edn., but text continued from p.39b
Sinica 1532 書影 全文

Iong sim sin si
[s.l.], 1873 (Glasgow : W.G. Blackie and Co.)
平裝1冊(47頁) ; 19.1公分
By W C Burns and C Douglas
In Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1389

上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊(1, 7, 233頁) ; 18.4公分
By A J Leyenberger
In Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1471 書影 全文

Sinica 2064

Sinica 2411

[Canton], 同治十三年[1874]
線裝1冊(113頁) ; 23.6公分
By C P Piton
Sinica 1783 全文

Nying-po kyiao-we so yuong-go t'u-wo tsaen-me s. Di s we ing-c'ih
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1871
平裝1冊(ix, [1], 266頁) ; 20.5公分
By S N D Martin and H van Vleck Rankin
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1580 全文

Sinica 2029 全文

福州 : 美華書局, 1875
線裝1冊(34頁) ; 15.0公分
By W C Burns and C Douglas
In Amoy dialect
Sinica 1192 全文

福州 : 美華書局, 光緒元年[1875]
線裝1冊(71頁) ; 20.3公分
By W C Burns, R S Maclay and Charles Hartwell
In Foochow dialect
Sinica 1646 全文

頌主聖詩 / 天津英國教師理一視著
[Shanghai], [1875]
線裝1冊([1], 9頁) ; 23.7公分
Has no title-page
Includes English table of contents printed separately with a western font on a single leaf of western paper
Sinica 1705 全文

[s.l.], [c.1875?]
線裝1冊(50頁) ; 24.3公分
Running title as given, also found on printed label; there is no title-page
Sinica 1797 全文

[Hankow] : 漢口福音堂, 1875
線裝1冊(6, 93頁) ; 20.6公分
By W Scarborough
Sinica 1577 全文

[Canton?], 1875
線裝1冊(2, 3, 132頁) ; 22.7公分
Compiled by R H Graves
Title-page has 「浸信會用」
Sinica 2012 全文

上海 : 三牌樓禮拜堂, 1876
線裝1冊(104頁) ; 17.2公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1295 書影 全文

[Revised pr.]
上海 : 三牌樓禮拜堂, 1876
線裝1冊(105頁) ; 16.2公分
By W Muirhead
Contains one extra hymn and a few textual revisions
Sinica 2407 全文

漢口 : 夾街福音會堂, 光緒二年[1876]
線裝1冊(2, 136頁) ; 21.0公分
By G John
Sinica 6428 書影

上海 : 美華書院, 1877
線裝1冊(9, 122, 5頁) ; 19.6公分
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 2341 全文

福音讚美歌 : 蘇州土白
[Shanghai?], 1877
線裝1冊([1], 35, [1]頁) ; 19.8公分
Ed. by M M Fitch
Sinica 2359 全文

T'e-tsiu tsaen-mi s
T'e-tsiu-fu [Taichow] : Nen-di we ing-shu-vong, 1880
平裝1冊([vi], 80頁) ; 13.7公分
By W D Rudland
In romanised Taichow dialect
Sinica 2462 全文

上海 : 三牌樓福音堂 : 五老峰福音堂, 1881
線裝1冊(24頁) ; 19.2公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 2388 全文

上海 : 美華書館, 1881
線裝1冊(46頁) ; 24.4公分
Sinica 2284

漢口 : 夾街福音會堂, 光緒九年[1883]
線裝1冊(136, 8頁) ; 17.0公分
By G John
Includes index of English first lines printed separately with a western font on single leaves of western paper
Sinica 2408 全文

漢鎮 : 英漢書館[鉛板印], 1889
線裝1冊(101頁) ; 13.3公分
Sinica 6425

頌主聖詩 / 漢口福音公會共集
[漢口], 1890
線裝1冊(10頁) ; 13.7公分
Sinica 6419

附 美以美教會禮文
福州 : 美華書局, 1894
精裝1冊(24, 251, [68], [8]頁) ; 22.4公分
英文書名頁題 「Hymns and tunes for use by the Foochow Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Compiled and published by order of the Foochow Annual Conference. 1894」
In Foochow dialect
Sinica 6171

漢口 : 聖教書局[印發] ; 漢鎮 : 英漢書館[鉛板印], 1894
線裝1冊(6, 172, 5頁) ; 19.1公分
Sinica 6427

頌主詩集 / 山東英浸禮會選輯
上海 : 商務印書館[代印], 1901
精裝1冊(2, 2, 16, 6, 352, 24頁) ; 18.8公分
Has English title-page ("A collection of hymns compiled by the English Baptist Mission, Shantung"), preface, and table of contents &c
Sinica 3952

Sinica 3953

The Shansi hymnal / edited by Albert Lutley
Hungtung : China Inland Mission ; 上海 : 商務印書館[擺印], 1907
線裝1冊 ; 19.4公分
Sinica 3948

頌主詩歌 = Chinese hymnal / prepared by Rev. H. Blodget D.D. and Rev. C. Goodrich D.D. ; C. Goodrich and E. G. Tewksbury musical editors
Second edition
[Peking] : North China Mission of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ; 橫濱 : 橫濱文社[擺印], 1907
線裝1冊 ; 22.5公分
Sinica 6578

成都 : 華西聖教書會[發] : 英華書局[印], 1916
精裝1冊([2, 344, 10], 10頁) ; 14.4公分
Has English index of first lines
Sinica 2693

民眾聖歌集 / 趙紫宸作歌
北平, [1931年序]
線裝1冊 ; 20公分
Inscribed "To Miss M Wood From T.C. Chao June 21, 1931."
Sinica 6576