西人著書 -- 耶穌教 -- 聖教問答

幼學淺解問答 / 博愛者纂
嗎𠯿呷 : 英華書院, 嘉慶丙子[1816]
線裝1冊(30頁) ; 23.1公分
By R Morrison
The title-page is wrong; the text is not W Milne's 《幼學淺解問答》, but R Morrison's translation of the Westminster Assembly's "Shorter catechism", 《問答淺註耶穌教法》, originally published in 1812
Sinica 1713

Sinica 2939

[Shanghai], [1832?]
線裝1冊(32頁) ; 20.5公分
Preface title and title at beginning of text 《幼學淺解問答》
By W Milne
Sinica 2979

幼學淺解問答 / 博愛者纂
[s.l.], 道光二十二年[1842]
線裝1冊(33頁) ; 21.0公分
Running title: 《幼學問答》
Sinica 2020 全文

聖教要理 / 尚德者纂
[Shanghai], [1844]
線裝1冊(13頁) ; 18.4公分
By W H Medhurst
Single leaves
Sinica 1320 書影

[Shanghai] : 墨海書館, 道光二十五年[1845]
線裝1冊(52頁) ; 20.8公分
Running title: 《幼學問答》
Text followed by 「祈禱式文」 and 「養心神詩」 sections
By W Milne
Printed on single leaves of western paper
Ms. colophon in an early hand: "The original of this work was composed in the spring and summer of 1816. A considerable part of it was written in affliction, and under an impression that it might probably be the last service he should be permitted to attempt for the instruction of the Chinese. This impression led to a greater fulness of matter than was at first intended: so that it contains a summary of the whole Christian faith. It was printed shortly after, and used in the schools; and also widely circulated along with the other tracts of the Malacca Mission."
Sinica 1667 全文

進教要理問答 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], [1846]
線裝1冊(23, [40]頁) ; 12.8公分
Divided into 「上卷」and 「下卷」, each with its own title-page
In Peking dialect
Sinica 1125 全文

信經問答 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], [1847]
線裝1冊(23頁) ; 14.4公分
This is the 「上卷」 section of 《進教要理問答》, printed from the same blocks as the full edition of 1846, but with 「上帝」 changed to 「神」 or 「真神」
In Peking dialect
Sinica 1150 全文

進教要理問答. 中卷 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], [1847]
線裝1冊(26頁) ; 14.3公分
This the first section of 「下卷」 of the original 1846 edition, re-cut and renamed 「中卷」, and with 「上帝」 changed to 「神」 or 「真神」
In Peking dialect
Sinica 1148 全文

進教要理問答. 中卷 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], [1847]
線裝1冊([24]頁) ; 14.3公分
Comprises the last 4 sections of 「下卷」 of the original 1846 edition, re-cut and renamed 「中卷」 (probably an oversight, as the first section of 「下卷」 was recut and renamed 「中卷》」), and with 「上帝」 changed to 「神」 or 「真神」
In Peking dialect
Sinica 1149 全文

[Shanghai], [1848]
線裝1冊(26頁) ; 16.1公分
Running title: 《幼學問答》
By W Milne
Lacks last 2 leaves
Sinica 1258 全文

寧波 : 華花聖經書房, 1849
線裝1冊(24頁) ; 18.5公分
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Shorter catechism" by a committee of the Presbyterian Mission at Ningpo
Sinica 1321

上海 : 藥局, 1850
線裝1冊(16頁) ; 13.9公分
By S Carpenter
Sinica 1143 全文

信經問答 : 上海土白 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], [1850's?]
線裝1冊(26頁) ; 14.2公分
Sinica 1145 全文

寧城 [Ningpo] : 西門內真神堂, 1850
線裝1冊(3, 24頁) ; 18.2公分
Title at beginning of text 「課幼百問」
By J Goddard
Sinica 1332 書影

[Shanghai], 丁巳[1857]
線裝1冊(8, 21頁) ; 20.4公分
By S Carpenter
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1462

香港 : 英華書院, 咸豐元年[1851]
線裝1冊(18頁) ; 15.7公分
By W C Milne
Sinica 1189 全文

粵東 [Canton] : 惠濟醫館, 咸豐元年[1851]
線裝1冊(29頁) ; 20.1公分
Running title 「要理問答」
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Shorter catechism" by A P Happer
Sinica 318

上海 : 墨海書館, 咸豐元年[1851]
線裝1冊(16頁) ; 25.8公分
By W C Milne
Sinica 1723

香港 : 聖保羅書院, 1852
線裝1冊(8頁) ; 16.8公分
Running title 「証道問答」
The character 「辦」 in the title is surely a mistake for 「辨」
The Chinese date is given as 「咸豐元年」 on the title-page, suggesting that the edition was published at the beginning of the western year 1852, before the start of the Chinese new year
精裝 (3 copies bound together)
Sinica 335

寧波 : 華花聖經書房, 1852
線裝1冊(various pagings) : 地圖 ; 23.0公分
By A P Happer
Sinica 1692

粵東[Canton] : 惠濟醫館, 1853
線裝1冊(176頁) ; 17.2公分
By A P Happer
Sinica 1289 書影 全文

聖書問答 = Catechism of scripture doctrine and practice
[Ningpo], 1853
線裝1冊(38頁) ; 25.9公分
By J W Quarterman
Sinica 1774 書影

真道問答 / 高德著
[Ningpo] : 寧波真神堂, 1854
線裝1冊(19頁) ; 17.9公分
Sinica 1275 書影 全文

上洋 [Shanghai] : 墨海書館, 1855
線裝1冊(16頁) ; 20.1公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1451

Sinica 2337

十誡問答 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], 咸豐伍年[1855]
線裝1冊(31頁) ; 14.4公分
Text is subtitled 「上海土白」, and is a translation into Shanghai dialect of《進教要理問答. 中卷》
Sinica 1146 全文

進教要理問答. 下卷 / 崇教者纂
[Shanghai], 咸豐伍年[1855]
線裝1冊([27]頁) ; 14.3公分
Each section of text is subtitled 「上海土白」
Sinica 1147 全文

真道問答 / 高德著
[Ningpo] : 寧波真神堂, 1855
線裝1冊(26頁) ; 18.7公分
Sinica 1482

真道問答 / 高德著
[Ningpo], 1855
線裝1冊(29頁) ; 24.1公分
Sinica 1769

創世記問答 : 上海土白
[Shanghai], 咸豐七年[1857]
線裝1冊(25頁) ; 19.2公分
By L M Fay
Sinica 1495

上海 : 墨海書館, 丁巳年[1857]
線裝1冊(11頁) ; 20.4公分
By B Hobson
Sinica 1442

[上海], [1859]
線裝1冊(5頁) ; 18.0公分
By W Muirhead
Has no title page
Sinica 1267 書影 全文

[Ningpo] : 浙寧真神堂, 1859
線裝1冊(2, 18頁) ; 17.8公分
Title at beginning of text 《課幼百問》
By J Goddard
Sinica 1271 書影 全文

民數記﹑申命記﹑約書亞﹑士師記問答 : 上海土音
[Shanghai], 己未年[1859]
線裝1冊(33頁) ; 18.6公分
By L M Fay
Sinica 1334

Hyuing-mong sing-kying kong-k'o
Nying-po [Ningpo], 1860
線裝1冊([2], 107, 10, 8頁) : 圖 ; 22.4公分
By L A Knowlton
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Each half-leaf is paginated separately
Sinica 2314 書影

[Shanghai], [1861?]
線裝1冊(53頁) ; 21.2公分
By W Muirhead
Lacks title-page; title taken from beginning of text
Sinica 1658 全文

[Shanghai], [1861]
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 19.6公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1424

1st ed
上海 : 美華書館, 1861
線裝1冊([1], 13頁) ; 24.3公分
By M S Culbertson
Sinica 1750

Sinica 2270

初學問答 = Wesleyan Methodist catechism. No.2 / 英國俾士氏譯
省城[Canton] : 增沙惠師禮堂, 咸豐十一年[1861]
線裝1冊(54頁) ; 19.4公分
Title at beginning of text 「初學問答. 卷二」
Sinica 1508

聖經問答 / 那爾敦著
[Shanghai], 1861
線裝1冊([1], 4, 148, 4, [1]頁) ; 22.0公分
Sinica 2279

[上海], [1862]
線裝1冊(7頁) ; 18.4公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1345

上海 : 美華書館, 1862
線裝1冊(1, 18頁) ; 24.7公分
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Shorter catechism" by a committee of the Presbyterian Mission at Ningpo ; revised by M S Culbertson
Sinica 1751

京都 [Peking] : 施醫院, 1862
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 19.7公分
By J Edkins
Sinica 1407 全文

訓子問答 / 楊格非著
[Shanghai], [1862]
線裝1冊(2, 20頁) ; 20.3公分
Has no title-page
Sinica 2981

耶穌教官話問答 / 倪戈氏著
上海 : 美華書館, 1863
線裝1冊(21頁) ; 17.6公分
Running title and beginning of text 「耶穌教問答」, cover title 「官話問答」
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1299 書影

[上海], [1864]
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 19.6公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1421

[上海], [c.1864]
線裝1冊(8, 2, [2]頁) ; 13.4公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1130 全文

聖教信經 ; 聖教問答
[上海], [1864]
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 18.0公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1328 全文

[Hong Kong], 1864
線裝1冊(2, 16頁) ; 19.5公分
By M Luther ; tr. by P Winnes
Sinica 1373

聖學問答, 福州榕腔
[Foochow] : 舖前頂救主堂, 1864
線裝1冊(1, 48頁) ; 20.5公分
By C C Baldwin
In Foochow dialect
Sinica 1572

訓子問答 / 楊格非著
上海 : 墨海書館, [1864]
線裝1冊(2, 20頁) ; 20.5公分
Sinica 1612 全文

[Shanghai], [1865?]
線裝1冊(6頁) ; 16.3公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1242 全文

[Shanghai] : [三牌樓上帝禮拜堂], [1865?]
線裝1冊(7頁) ; 23.7公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1701 全文

[上海], [1865]
線裝1冊(5頁) ; 18.4公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1346

[Shanghai], [1865]
線裝1冊(6頁) ; 14.0公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1549 全文

福州 : 美華書局, 1865
線裝1冊(3, 38頁) ; 20.2公分
By R S Maclay
Sinica 1548

arigon soragagoli yin asagoho uchihu bichig
洋裝(原線裝)1冊(21, 5頁) ; 21.5公分
Catechism tr. into Mongolian by J Edkins
Sinica 394 書影

上海 : 美華書館, 1866
線裝1冊(2, 18頁) ; 22.2公分
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Shorter catechism" by A P Happer
Revised edition
Sinica 1632 全文

上海 : 美華書館, 1866
線裝1冊(61頁) ; 23.0公分
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Larger catechism" by A P Happer
Sinica 1742

京都 [Peking] : 燈市口耶穌堂, 1866
線裝1冊(93頁) ; 20.2公分
By Mrs E C Bridgman
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1558

出埃記問答 : 上海土白
[Shanghai], 同治六年[1867]
線裝1冊(29頁) ; 19.1公分
By L M Fay
Sinica 1496

福州 : 美華書局, 1867
線裝1冊(41頁) ; 20.1公分
By R S Maclay
Sinica 1664 全文

香港 : 聖士提反書院, 1867
線裝1冊([3], 51頁) ; 19.1公分
Has English title-page: "Chinese translation of a catechism, for the use of the missions of the Church in Sarawak"
Tr. by C F Warren
Sinica 1485 全文

舊約問答, 路得書第八卷至馬拉基三十九卷止
[Shanghai], 同治六年[1867]
線裝1冊(19, 24, 18頁) ; 18.5公分
By L M Fay
In Shanghai colloquial
Sinica 1484

耶穌教官話問答 / 倪戈氏著
上海 : 美華書館, 1868
線裝1冊(20頁) ; 16.0公分
Running title and beginning of text 《耶穌教問答》, cover title 《官話問答》
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1202 全文

京都 [Peking] : 施醫院, 1868
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 17.8公分
By J Edkins
Sinica 395 書影

Sinica 1317

浙甯 [Ningpo] : 北門外羅宅, 1868
線裝1冊(25頁) ; 18.5公分
By J Goddard
Sinica 1318 書影

Sinica 2449

經錄問答 / 胡德邁譯
[Ningpo] : 開明山福音殿, 1868
線裝1冊([1], 2, 54頁) : 像 ; 19.8公分
Tr. by T H Hudson from the work of J G Pike
Sinica 1518

Sinica 2409 書影

[Peking], 1868
線裝1冊(15頁) ; 24.1公分
By W H Collins
In Peking dialect
Sinica 1746

[Hankow] : 漢口福音堂, 1869
線裝1冊(17頁) ; 19.9公分
By W Scarborough
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1399 全文

Seng-chheh e bun-tap
E-mng [Amoy], 1869
線裝1冊(95頁) ; 20.8公分
By H Cowie
In Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1651 全文

[Woochang] : 湖北省城福音會堂, 1869
線裝1冊(8頁) ; 27.0公分
By G John
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1972 全文

Foh-ing dao-li ling-kying veng-teh
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1870
平裝1冊(38頁) ; 17.1公分
By W A P Martin
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1263 全文

Sinica 2066

Sinica 2439 書影

[上海], [c.1870]
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 18.5公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1329

上海 : 美華書館, 1870
線裝1冊([1], 18頁) ; 25.0公分
By W C Milne
Sinica 1726

Ya sz kau fui yu hok = Short catechism of the Christian religion
Basel : Evangelical Missionary Society, 1871
精裝1冊(19頁) ; 17.7公分
By C P Piton
In romanised Hakka dialect
Sinica 1390

Seng-chheh e bun-tap. Sin-iok
E-mng [Amoy], 1871
線裝1冊(102頁) ; 20.3公分
By H Cowie
In Amoy colloquial
Sinica 1650 全文

[Shanghai] : 上海福音會堂, 1872
線裝1冊(43頁) ; 23.8公分
By W Muirhead
Sinica 1753 全文

Yiae-su kyiao veng-teh, Nying-po tu-wo
Zong-hae [Shanghai] : Me-wo Shu-kwun, 1872
線裝1冊(25頁) ; 18.0公分
By M Laurence
In romanised Ningpo dialect
Sinica 1276 書影 全文

福州 : 美華書局 = Methodist Episcopal Mission Press, 1872
線裝1冊(25頁) ; 20.4公分
By R S Maclay
Sinica 1573

[Hong Kong], [1872]
線裝1冊(3, 27頁) ; 20.0公分
By G John
Has no title-page
Sinica 1540

Catechism in English and Chinese = 依經問答
福州 : Methodist Episcopal Mission Press = 美華書局, 1872
線裝1冊([2], 26頁) ; 20.3公分
By R S Maclay
Doubled leaves, each half paginated separately
Sinica 4021

京都 [Peking] : 美華書院, 1873
線裝1冊(18頁) ; 20.3公分
Label has 《真理問答, 官話》
By H Blodget(?)
Sinica 1953 全文

初學問答, 英粵白文 = Easy questions for beginners in English and Chinese translation / By Rev. Hü Sing Mi
福州 : 美華書局 = M.E.M. Press, 1873
線裝1冊(iv, 108頁) ; 20.2公分
Parallel text, English and Cantonese
Sinica 1534

舊約問答, 利未記起至士師記止
上海 : 美華書館, 1873
線裝1冊(35頁) ; 19.4公分
By L M Fay
In Shanghai colloquial
Sinica 1509

上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊(46頁) : 圖 ; 19.3公分
By T P Crawford (?)
Sinica 1491

耶穌教問答, 官話
上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊(18頁) ; 16.5公分
By H S C Nevius
Small type edn
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1261 書影 全文

上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊(22頁) ; 23.9公分
Cover title 「耶穌教問答, 官話」
By H S C Nevius
Large type edn
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1763

[Hankow] : 漢口福音堂, 1874
線裝1冊(84頁) ; 18.9公分
By W Scarborough
In Mandarin colloquial
Sinica 1486

福音真理問答 : 蘇州土白
上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊(18頁) : 圖 ; 20.0公分
By A C Safford
Sinica 1544

上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊([1], 58頁) ; 23.0公分
By A P Happer
Sinica 1691

Sinica 2305

上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊([1], 15頁) ; 23.4公分
By A P Happer
Sinica 1717

上海 : 美華書館, 1874
線裝1冊([1], 1, 15頁) ; 23.7公分
By A P Happer
Only the title-page gives the title as 「新約史記條問」; the printed label, centre-columns, and text-beginning all have 「新約史記問答」
Sinica 2295

舊約史記問答 / 愛孩提女史譯輯
[Shanghai], 1875
線裝1冊(2, 62頁) ; 18.7公分
Sinica 1309 書影

Sinica 2410

上海 : 美華書館, 1875
線裝1冊(2, 189頁) ; 24.5公分
By C W Mateer
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 1806

Sinica 2274

小問答 : 蘇州土白
上海 : 美華書館, 1875
線裝1冊(35頁) : 圖 ; 19.3公分
By A C Safford
Sinica 1502

[Canton], 1875
線裝1冊(26頁) ; 21.0公分
By Miss L Whilden
In Canton dialect
Sinica 1589

上海 : 美華書館, 1875
線裝1冊(57頁) ; 23.9公分
By A P Happer
Sinica 1756

Sinica 2296

上海 : 美華書館, 1875
線裝1冊(43頁) : 圖 ; 18.8公分
By B Helm(?)
Cover title 「孩子聖經問答, 官話」
Inscribed "With compliments, B. Helm"
Sinica 2082

耶穌聖教問答 / 楊格非著
[Hankow], 1877
線裝1冊(28頁) ; 19.1公分
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 2059

入聖教小問答 / 楊格非著
漢口 : 福音會堂, 1879
線裝1冊(9頁) ; 18.2公分
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 2445

上海 : 美華書館, 1881
線裝1冊(18頁) ; 24.0公分
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Shorter catechism" by A P Happer
Further revised edition
Sinica 2293

上海 : 美華書館, 1881
線裝1冊(62頁) ; 24.0公分
Tr. of the Westminster Assembly's "Larger catechism" by A P Happer
Revised edition
Sinica 2299

[Shanghai], 1882
線裝1冊(18頁) ; 19.8公分
Label has 《真理問答, 蘇州土白》
By H Blodget(?) ; tr. into Soochow dialect by Miss A C Safford?
Sinica 2358

Sing-shu veng-teh
T'e-tsiu-fu [Taichow] : Nen-di we ing-shu-vong, 1882
平裝1冊(13頁) ; 21.6公分
By W D Rudland
In romanised Taichow dialect
Sinica 2325

真道入門問答 / 楊格非著
漢口 : 聖教書局, 1882
線裝1冊(24頁) ; 20.2公分
Sinica 2376

上海 : 美華書館, 1883
線裝1冊(1, 20頁) ; 18.9公分
Running title 「耶穌教問答」, cover title 「耶穌教問答, 官話」
By H S C Nevius
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 2361

十誡問答 / 美國郭顯德撰
上海 : 美華書館, 1883
線裝1冊([2], 5, 75頁) : 圖 ; 19.3公分
By H Corbett
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 2350

初學問答 / 英牧師李修善重譯
[Hankow] : 漢口福音堂, 1884
線裝1冊(17頁) ; 19.8公分
By D Hill
Sinica 6458

真道入門問答 / 英牧師楊格非著
漢口 : 英漢書館[鉛板印], 1889
線裝1冊(23頁) ; 19.3公分
Printed cover label has 「真道入門問答 : 官話」
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 6463

真道入門問答 / 英牧師楊格非著
漢口 : 英漢書館[鉛板印], 1892
線裝1冊(23頁) ; 19.0公分
Printed cover label has 「真道入門問答 : 官話」
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 6464

真道入門問答 / 英牧師楊格非著
漢口 : 英漢書館[鉛板印], 1893
線裝1冊(23頁) ; 18.7公分
Printed cover label has 「真道入門問答 : 官話」
In Mandarin dialect
Sinica 6465

Sinica 6432/4

漢口 : 英漢書館, 1899
線裝1冊(23頁) ; 18.9公分
By E M Gillison and G Jones
Sinica 6476

[Shanghai], [s.a.]
線裝1冊(11頁) ; 21.8公分
By W Muirhead
In Shanghai dialect
Sinica 1620 全文

[Shanghai], [s.a.]
線裝1冊(39頁) ; 23.2公分
By W Muirhead
Lacks title-page; title taken from beginning of text
Lacks preface and postface of 1861(?) edn
Sinica 1718 全文