CHINESE BOOKS IN EUROPE IN THE SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY NOTE: This document has been put together over a period of several decades. The original intention was simply to list all the Chinese books that were in the Bodleian Library by the end of the 17th century, many of which were imported as curiosities from Chinese communities in Southeast Asia by the Dutch East India Company at the very beginning of the century, and sold in Amsterdam. Often, they were split up, so that fascicles of the same copy can now be found in two or more different libraries. The late Professor Piet van der Loon estimated that the Bodleian Library has as much as a quarter (the largest single portion) of what may be termed this "Amsterdam corpus". Now, the list is serving as the basis for a survey not only of the entire corpus, but of all the Chinese books that were in Europe before the close of the 17th century. A number of scholars have added their discoveries and observations to it. Their initials are set against their contributions: AD -- Ad Dudink AF -- Agnieszka Franczyk-Cegła AW -- Andrew West CA -- Charles Aylmer CM -- Christiane Michaelis CN -- Cristina Neagu FW -- Frances Wood GD -- Glen Dudbridge GL -- Georg Lehner JH -- Jonathan Harrison KH -- Kerstin Herelius KK -- Koos Kuiper MS -- Mamtimyn Sunuodula MT -- Marcel Thoms NG -- Noël Golvers NH -- Nicole Halsberghe PL -- Piet van der Loon RS -- Roel Sterckx SM -- Scott Mandelbrote SO -- Sven Osterkamp SY -- Shi Yunli 石云里 WP -- William Poole YS -- Yuming Sun ZC -- Zheng Cheng 郑诚 ZG -- Zhu Guangli 朱光立 I have no idea who looks at this page, or finds it useful. If you have a comment on it or material to contribute, please let me know. It is being continuously if slowly updated. If you would like to be notified whenever it is updated, please contact me. David Helliwell 28 January 2025 CLASSICS, PHILOSOPHY, HISTORY and related works 周易傳義大全. 正統庚申[1440]余氏雙桂書堂新刊. 存: 卷一, 二 (to p.21a). Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Df.7.106. Ms. note of donor on final page: "Liber Acad. Edinburgensis ex dono Roberti Ramesaei 1628." WP. 新刻官板周易本義 四卷首一卷. 建陽書林張閩嶽刊. Fine title-page, with ill. in upper half. Has 張閩嶽梓 in lower half. Has 書林新賢堂 / 張閩岳精鐫 in simple 牌子 at end of 卷四. 存: 全. 三冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 59 [SC3999-4001]. Covers are deep indigo waxed paper. 又一部. 存: 卷一(to p.74a). Emmanuel College, Cambridge. PL. 卷二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 114 [SC3521]. Covers as S.59. Ms. note of donor: Andrew [surname lost], formerly of Christ Church, Oxford, April 7th 1652. Possibly omitted from Bernard's catalogue because it was a duplicate of part of the complete work. 卷三, 四 (fragments only). Cambridge. PL. 按: It is probable that all the above portions are from the same copy, but not confirmed. [彙選上下繫科題]. 明末坊刊. Title taken from ms. note on cover. Pages unnumbered, 白口, no 魚尾. 存: 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 54 [SC3330]. Inscribed "Pulcher Liber. Liber Thematum vel Compositionum sive Exercitiorum eorum qui Gradum ambierunt: nempe exercitia pro Gradu. Hic liber diversus est ab illis quae in Archivis." 按: Seems to be a late 明 edition. A collection of essays on the 易經. 詩經. (宋)朱熹集傳. 明萬曆中書坊刊本. 存: 卷六第七~二十葉. 洋裝(原線裝)1冊 ; 15 x 15公分. Bodleian Library, Sinica 122. Inscribed "Almae Matri, Academiae Oxoniensi, Nathaniel Palmer de Fairfeild, in Comitatu Somerset, Armiger, DD." 按: 書名據版心题 [四書]. 萬曆中建陽書林鰲峰堂刊. Has 鰲峰堂刊 at end of 大學 preface. 存: 大學, 中庸, 論語卷一至五(有缺). 二冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 1 [SC2784, 2785]. Ms. note of donor: Adam Bowen. [四書]. 萬曆中坊刊. 存: 論語卷一至卷五(首尾殘, 闕第一卷1a學而第一「人不知而不慍」以上, 第五卷存至鄉黨第 十「必表而出之」). Christ's College, Cambridge, DD/3/9. Ms. note: "Ex dono Caroli Hale / Col. Christ: Alumni, / Anno Domi. 1685." ZC. 按: This is identical in format to the edition in the Bodleian Library (Sinica 1 above), but clearly from different blocks. It is indeed strange that both copies preserve the same parts of the 論語. [四書 原六卷]. 萬曆中建陽書林陳心齋刊. Beginning of 卷四 has 石馬書林陳瑞齋刊. Beginning of 卷五 has 福建巡按吉 澄發刊 and 陳心齋重梓. 牌子 has 福河陳心齋梓. 存: 卷四至六. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 2 [SC2786]. Ms. note (upside down) in Bodley's hand on back flyleaf: "Donum Henrici Percy Comitis Northumbriae. Ao. 1604." 周會魁校正四書大全 [全十八卷]. 萬曆中坊刊. 半頁7行16字, 四周雙邊, 黑口(或白), 單魚尾. Beginning of text has 京山恩皇 周士顯校正. Title and author information vary from juan to juan, so does the block format. The contents are as follows: 卷一, 大學; 卷二, 大學或問; 卷三~九, 論語; 卷十~十六, 孟子; 卷十七, 中庸; 卷十八, 中庸或問. 存: 卷一~六, 八, 九, 十一~十八, 有缺. 十八冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 68 [SC1954-1956 (G.10-12)]. Golius had portions of at least two copies, neither forming a complete set. This set has been assembled to form as complete a copy as possible from the surviving fasc.; the rest have been placed in S.69. They are all bound in marbled paper of the same type except for S.68/3, which Golius regarded as a separate work, 1956 (G.12); apart from this fasc. and S.68/4 (G.11), whose label indicates that it is the first fasc. of SC1955, it now seems impossible to discover how the fasc. were originally grouped by Golius. It is purely coincidental that the 18 fasc. of S.68 correspond with the 18 vol. of SC1954. Also, S.68 & 69 total 24 fasc., but Golius's nos.10-12 total only 23. It is possible that the extra fasc. was originally among the miscellaneous items in SC1949 (G.1) or SC1961 (G.19). 按: 周士顯 was a 進士 of 萬曆二十九年[1601]. There is a complete copy of the same edition in 仙台 (目錄 31上). It is clear from examining the contents of this and the following items that at least 3, and possibly 4 copies of this edition were brought to Europe. 卷七 and 卷十 are not found in any of the copies. 又一部. 存: 卷一, 三, 十二, 十四, 十五, 十八, 有缺. 六冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 69. 又一部. 存: 卷二, 四, 十, 十(又一部). 四冊. Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, V OCT 855. Given by Willem van Cleeff in 1719 (probably the Gulielmus van Cleeff who obtained a doctorate in Utrecht in 1706). KK. 又一部. 存: 卷十二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 52 [SC3328]. 存: 卷十四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 43 [SC1516]. 按: Although of different provenance, these fascicles may have belonged to the same copy, as both preserve the same original pale blue covers. 又一部. 存: 卷十六. 一冊. Biblioteka Ossolineum, Wrocław, XVII-20816. Has the following inscriptions (in order of date) on the front and back endpapers: "Ex Cathalogo Librorum Joannis de Witte Colon[elli] Artille[riae] R[e]gni m[anu] p[ro]p[ria]"; "Comte de Witte G[énéral] L[ieutenant]"; "Ofiarowany przez Wincentego Hrabi Krosnowskiego do Biblioteki Imienia Ossolinskich 1829o R[ok]u"; "NB. Witt był Komendantem Kamieńca". Also bears the former 19th-century stamp and call number: "Instytut Ossolińskiego 44967". Jan de Witte (1709-1785) was of Dutch descent, which may account for his ownership of this volume. AF. 又一部. 存: 卷十七. 一冊. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, MS.205 [Bernard no.1672]. The corresponding juan in the Bodleian copy (Sinica 68) lacks the opening pages. The Corpus copy is complete, preserving both preface (12p.) and text (167p.) of the juan, which is entitled 周會魁刪定四書大全; the juan contains the 中庸. The fascicle has been given a leather binding, and is inscribed "Liber Collegij Corporis Christi Oxon. Ex dono Johannis Gookin Cantiani, ejusdem Colegij quondam Discipuli in Artibus Baccalaurei." Gookin was appointed clerk in 1631 and scholar in 1632. The shelfmark of the volume suggests that it was given to the College in the mid-17th century. 又一部. 存: 卷十八 (p.92, 43a, 31, 26a, 24, 36a, 22, 38). Trinity College Dublin, MS 1645. Bound with a copy of the Japanese historical work Azuma kagami 吾妻鏡. Presented by Archbishop John Parker of Dublin (1679-81). 鼎雕趙狀元四書課兒提醒約解 [全六卷]. 萬曆中建陽書林余良木刊. Beginning of all three 卷 has 自新齋紹崖余良木繡梓. 存: 卷一至三(to p.62). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 53 [SC3329]. 鼎雕趙狀元四書課兒提醒約解 [全六卷]. 萬曆二十七年[1599]建陽書林余良木刊. 牌子 has 龍飛萬曆己亥仲冬穀旦謹題 in two columns with 自新齋余紹崖繡梓 in between. 存: 卷六. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 26 [SC2835]. Ms. note of donor: Edward Michelborne. 按: It is possible that this and the preceding item are of the same edition, but whereas S.53 has three columns of ascriptions (原題) at the beginning of each 卷, S.26 has nothing. If they are from the same edition, it is equally possible that they are from the same copy. The immediate provenance is however different. 鼎雕趙狀元四書課兒提醒約解 [全六卷]. 萬曆四十一年[1613]建陽書林余泰垣刊. 牌子 has 龍飛萬曆癸丑仲秋穀旦謹題 in two columns with 自新齋余泰垣繡梓 in between. 存: 卷五(from p.2), 六. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 25 [SC2834]. Ms. note of donor: Adam Bowen. It seems that this fasc. did not have a limp vellum binding in the 17th century. 按: The text and page format of this edition are the same as those of S.26. [四書]. 坊刊. Has 四書存是 in upper 版心. Page divided into two. Upper section entitled 四朋居新訂四書講意存是, followed by 斯水周文德穆然氏纂著. Lower section is 本文 with 朱熹's commentary. 白口, no 魚尾. 存: 論語卷一至五(to p.14b). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 70 [possibly from SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19)]. Has red waxed paper covers. 新刊京本分章圈點四書正文. 建陽書林江秀泉刊. 半頁9行20字, 四周單邊, 白口, 單魚尾. Beginning of each 卷 has 書林明雅堂 秀泉江氏梓行. 存: 卷二(中庸, p.3a-14b), 卷三(論語上, p.1a-27a, 28a-58b), 五(孟子上, 全, 82p.). 一冊. Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek, Carolinabiblioteket DG65. Donated by Magnus Gabriel de la Gardie, 17th c. KH. 卷四(論語下, from p.17), 五(孟子上, to p.14). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 71 [possibly from SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19)]. Has mauve waxed paper covers. 卷六(孟子下, p.20a-58b). 一冊. Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Bibliothèque Royale), MS19909. AD. 按: The existence of two copies of 卷五 indicate that more than one copy reached Europe. [四書程式墨卷]. 彙編萬曆中坊刊本散葉. A unique compilation of leaves from various editions. There is a title page at beginning of 1st fasc. of Sinica 21, and a colophon at the end of the third fasc. This, together with the other content, is the basis on which Sinica 20, 21, and 22 have been distinguished. 大學 1a (beginning of 1st fasc.) has 謹依燕臺原版刊行閩南書林余氏明泉重梓 at beginning of text; end of 下孟 section (3rd fasc.) has 牌子 with text 萬曆戌子[1588]歲孟冬月余氏新安堂蒼泉梓. 存: 三冊. Bodleian Library. 1. Sinica 20/1 [SC2824]. Ms. note of donor: Edward Michelborne. 2. Sinica 20/2 [SC2827]. Ms. note of donor: Edward Michelborne. 3. Sinica 20/3 [SC2825]. Ms. note of donor: Edward Michelborne. 又一部. 存: 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 21 [SC2826]. Ms. note of donor: John Pory. 按: The contents of this fascicle, as well as the covers, are of a piece with Sinica 20. 又一部. 存: 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 22 [SC2828]. Ms. note of donor: Edward Michelborne. 按: The contents of this fascicle are also of a piece with Sinica 20, but the covers are made from different paper, so that it appears to come from a different copy. The second leaf from the end (of the 下孟 section) has a small 牌子 with text 書林余秀峰刊行. 新刻皇明正韻京本提章分節四書白文 [全六卷]. 萬曆乙丑[1625]建陽書林余明泉刊本. 存: 卷三(上論). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 81 [SC2979?]. There are 5 copies of this 卷, held together by paper twists. There are traces of red covers, which are now missing. It is possible, though not certain, that this item can be identified with Bernard's SC2979, which is otherwise not accounted for. Craster notes that the item is "not now traceable" (SC 2i, 561). 卷六(下孟). 一冊. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-5652. The copy has been digitised. 按: It is not certain that these two juan are from the same copy, nor even that the Bodleian juan is from the same edition (the 牌子 from which the edition details are derived is in the BNF fragment). However, the block format is identical and no other copy of this title has been found. 鐫提章分節鄒魯正韻四書正文. 刊本. 半頁10行22字, 或11行23字, 四周單邊, 白口, 單魚尾. 卷三 has the title 《新刻四書 正文》. 卷四 has 「閣老臺山葉向高校正」. 存: 卷三(上論). 一冊. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-2952 (wrongly catalogued as 卷四). 存: 卷三、四(上論、下論). 一冊. In the private collection of Boris L'Héritier, whose father acquired the volume in Besançon in the 1950s. 存: 卷六(下孟). 一冊. New College, Oxford, MS 324. The fasc. has 45 leaves, and is complete. The last half-leaf is a full-page illustration. The back cover is inscribed in a mid-17th c. hand: "Mr Grimes. I have sent you a booke printed in the language of Chyna to shew you the form of theyre print, which Language noe man cann understand but them selves." The fasc. has a late 19th-c. leather binding. Its provenance is unknown, but as Bernard's New College section ends with MS 323, it must have entered the Library shortly after his source list was compiled. WP. 按: The BnF and Boris L'Héritier's copies of 卷三 are identical in format, but are taken from different blocks, so that at least two editions are represented by the survivals listed above. 四書徵 [全十二卷]. 明末刊本. 存: 下孟卷十一﹑十二, 缺卷十一第一葉. 1冊. Bodleian Library, Rawl.8°.1113. Has a Rawlinson bookplate. [抄本] 不分卷. 一冊. Ms. fragment containing jottings from 大學 and 論語. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Marsh 724 [SC1951 (G.3)]. [抄本]. 一卷. Rolled ms. single-sheet fragment. 存: Bodleian Library, Sinica 42 [SC917]. 按: The fragment contains two essays on passages in 孟子 entitled 填然鼓之 and 智譬則巧也. ZG. 新鍥二太史彙選註釋莊子全書評林. 萬曆中坊刊. 存: 卷五. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 4 [SC2790]. 資治通鑒節要. 四冊. 嘉靖十八年[1539]建陽書林刊. 嘉靖二十年[1541]序. 存: 全. 六冊. Escorial, G.IV.18-21. 明紀編年 [全十二卷]. 金閶擁萬堂刊. 順治庚子年[1660]王汝南序. 單邊,白口,無魚尾. 存: 全. 洋裝一冊(原線裝四冊). Sinologisch Instituut, Schlegel 50. The book belonged to Isaac Vossius (1618-1689) who moved to England in 1670. It is possible that he bought the book there, where it may have been imported by the (English) East India Company. It was purchased by Leiden University along the rest of Vossius's collection in 1690. The book also contains a Chinese letter by the Christian Lu Xiyan 陸希言 who was in Macao in 1680. KK. 新鎸翰林攷正歷朝故事統宗 [全十卷] / 李廷機攷正 ; 丘宗孔增釋 ; 鄭世豪繡梓. 雙松舘刊. 萬曆甲午[1594]蘇濬序. 框20.1 x 12.8公分, 半頁10行23字, 四周單邊, 白口, 往上雙魚尾. 版心題名 「歷朝故事統宗」並鐫門名﹑卷數﹑頁碼. 目錄版心有「雙松舘藏版」字樣. 存: 卷一至三(lacking title-page and pp.1-2a and part of 2b of preface). 一冊. Sinologisch Instituut, Schlegel 53. KK. MEDICINE 徐氏家傳捷法針灸. 嘉靖十年[1531]建陽書林刊. 存: 全. 一冊. Escorial, G.IV.22. 編註醫學入門 [全七卷首一卷]. 萬曆中坊刊. 半頁9行22字, 小字雙行同字, 四周雙邊, 白口, 單(或雙)魚尾. 卷一 、二 are described as 內集, and 卷三~七 as 外集. Has block-cutter's name in lower 版心 of 卷一 p.2. 卷三 has a preface dated 萬曆己卯[1579], and block- cutters' names in lower 版心. End of 卷五 has 縣庠靜吾湯君名建中贈刻. 存: 卷一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 3a [SC2787]. Did not have a limp vellum binding in the 17th century. 卷三. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 3b/1 [SC2788]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 卷五(from p.65). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 3b/2 [SC2789]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 卷六. 一冊. Groningen University Library, AL K-1(2). Leaves bound in wrong order. Inscribed "Liber Charactere A Lingua Sinensi Scriptus, ignoti argumenti". KK. 卷七. 一冊. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Palatino III.189. 按: It is not certain that these fascicles are from the same copy. Clearly, at least two copies of this work reached Europe, but it is possible that the surving fascicles are from three or even more copies. 又一部. 存: 卷三(p.64 only). 一頁. Bodleian Library, Sinica 90. 卷五(from p.65). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 44 [1518]. Inscribed 1635. 按: It is very strange that this second copy of 卷五 should also lack pp.1-64. As with the fascicles listed above, it is not certain that these are from the same copy. 重廣補注黃帝內經素問 [全二十四卷]. 萬曆十二年[1584]金陵書林周曰校刊. Title-page has 萬曆甲申夏月周氏對峰刊行. Beginning of 卷一 has 繡谷書林周 曰校刊. 存: 卷一、二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/1 [SC2795]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷三~五. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/2 [SC2796]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷六~八. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/3 [SC2797]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷十二~十四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/4 [SC2798]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷十五~十七. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/5 [SC2799]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Vere. 卷二十一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/6 [SC2801]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Vere. 卷二十二~二十四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 8/7 [SC2803]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 又一部. 存: 卷二十一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 9 [SC2802]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 又一部. 存: 卷十八、十九. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 75 [SC1958]. 卷二十一(first and last leaves damaged). British Library, ORB.30/3973. Ms. notes (upside down) on p.2a: "Ex dono Le Royer Rupellanensis Paul Contant" and "Daniel Barbenas postea obtenuit. Anno 1656". Sold by Sam Fogg in 1998 for £2,500 (Catalogue 19, item 44, pp.53-54). 按: It is not certain either that the Bodleian fasc. belongs to the same copy as either S.8 or the British Library fasc., but it is clear that at least three copies of this edition reached Europe. 黃帝內經靈樞. 萬曆中坊刊. May be part of combined edition (合刊本) with 重廣補注黃帝內經素問. 存: 卷十九~二十四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 10 [SC2800]. Ms. note of donor: Owen Wood. 刻馬玄臺先生註證脈訣正義. 嘉靖中(?)坊刊. 存: 卷一(p.22-54). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 11/1 [SC2804]. Ms. note of donor: Matthew Chubbe. 卷二、三. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 11/2 [SC2805]. Ms. note of donor: Martin Lumley. 存: 卷一(p.21-53). 一冊. Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, V. OCT. 857. KK. 存: 卷二、三, 有缺. 一冊. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-5186, 5187. See: Franzini, Serge: Un texte médical disparu en Chine depuis le XVIIe siècle conservé à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris: le "Maijue zhengyi" 脉訣正義 de Ma Shi 馬蒔 (T'oung Pao 76:1/3, 1990, 49-61). MS. 按: Chinese reference works say that this work is lost, suggesting that the these fragments are all that is preserved of this edition. ZG. It is possible that owing to its length, the first juan may have been bound in two fascicles, and it is a strange coincidence that only the second of the two should have been preserved in both Oxford and Utrecht. 新刊古今醫鑑 [全八卷]. 萬曆中金陵書林周曰校刊. Beginning of 卷四 has 金陵書坊對峰周曰校刊行. Beginning of 卷七 has 金陵書 林竹潭周宗孔梓行. 存: 卷四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 12/1 [SC2806]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷六. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 12/2 [SC2807]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Cleere. 卷七. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 12/3 [SC2808]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 按: Copy in 內閣文庫. 醫方考. 萬曆中坊刊. 半頁10行20字, 左右雙邊, 白口, 單魚尾. Title page has 金陵周弘宇梓. 自序 dated 萬曆十二年(1584). 卷一 begins 歙邑吳崑著 / 友人黃基閱. 卷二 begins 歙邑吳崑著 / 方外友蔣中穀梓. 存: 卷一(p.1-64). 一冊. Sinologisch Instituut, Schlegel 115. KK. 卷一(from p.65), 二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 13 [SC2809]. Ms. note of donor: Matthew Chubbe. 本草蒙筌 [全十二卷]. 萬曆元年[1573]金陵書林周曰校刊. 牌子 after preface has 萬曆元年孟秋月周氏仁壽堂刊行. 存: 卷一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 16/1 [SC2814]. Ms. note of donor: Martin Lumley. 卷二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 16/2 [SC2815]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 太醫院補遺本草歌訣雷公炮製 [全八卷]. 萬曆十五年[1587]金陵書林周曰校刊. 半頁上欄15行7字, 下欄11行20字, 四周單邊, 白口, 單魚尾. Title-page has 萬曆 丁亥歲周對峰刊行. Beginning of text has 書林對峰周曰校重刊. 存: 卷一(to p.16). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 23/1 [SC2829]. Ms. note of donor: Owen Wood. 卷一(from p.17), 二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 23/2 [SC2830]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Vere. 卷四、五(to p.19). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 23/3 [SC2831]. Ms. note of donor: Owen Wood. 卷七、八. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 23/4 [SC2832]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 又一部. 存: 卷三, 四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 17/1 [SC2816]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷五. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 17/2 [SC2817]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Vere. 卷六, 七(to p.10). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 17/3 [SC2818]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷七(from p.11), 八. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 17/4 [SC2819]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Vere. 又一部. 存: 卷三(pp.1-20, p.2 bound before p.1), 四(pp.1-23, p.1 bound before 卷三). Sinologisch Instituut, accession no.346. Not in Schlegel. KK. 重修政和經史證類備用本草 [全三十卷]. 萬曆九年[1581]金陵書林富春堂刊. 有圖. 半頁11行21字, 四周單邊(或左右雙邊), 白口, 單(或雙)魚尾. 版心下刻『富春堂 梓』. At the end of 卷三十 is the colophon 『成化四年[1468]歲次戊子冬十一 月既望重刊』. 存: 卷二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 2503. Tranferred from the British Museum as a duplicate in 1914. Inscribed "A Book of Medical Prescriptions for various Disorders. Examined by Chetqua. Decr.17.1770". 卷三. 一冊. Cambridge University Library, Ll.5.14. Acquired in 1664 from Lambeth Palace Library. PL, ZC. 卷四. 一冊. Asian Library (Leiden) SINOL. VGK 7971.42. KK. 卷四. Bound in 一冊 with 卷15-19. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-5240. 卷五. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 18b [SC2821]. Ms. note of donor: William [Herbert], Earl of Pembroke. 卷六. 一冊. Universitätsbibliothek Rostock, Mss. orient. 227.2. PL, CM. 卷七. 一冊. Burgerbibliothek Bern. Bound in a single fascicle (Codex 350) with part of 新刊萬病回春. GD. 卷十一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 18a [SC2820]. Has ms. note on back cover: "Ornamento bibliothecae Oxoniensis d.d. Festus Hommius s. theol. doctor Oxon." 卷十四. Koninklijke Bibliotheek ('s-Gravenhage), 3117 B 30. Part of a leaf from a book on geomancy has been used as the back cover, but the title in the banxin is missing. The front cover seems to be original, but is damaged. KK. 卷十五至十九. Bound in 一冊 with 卷4. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-5240. 卷二十, 二十一. 二冊. Asian Library (Leiden) SINOL. VGK 7971.42. KK. 卷二十, 二十一. 一冊. Walker Library of the Human Imagination (Ridgefield, Connecticut). From the library of the German sinologist Julius Heinrich Klaproth (1783-1835). 卷三十. Bibliotheca Thysiana (Leiden), no.1596. KK. 按: Bodleian Library, Sinica 18a did not originally have a limp vellum binding, and does not appear to belong to the same copy as S.18b. This, together with the existence of second copies of 卷四, 二十, 二十一, suggests that more than one copy entered Europe, although in view of the extent of what is preserved, it is strange that more duplicate fascicles do not seem to exist. 新刊萬病回春 [全八卷]. 萬曆中金陵書林周曰校刊. 半頁13行24字, 四周雙邊, 白口, 單魚尾. 有圖. At the beginning of each juan are the words「金陵書坊對峰周曰校刊行」, except for 卷六, where the publisher's name is uncut: 「金陵書坊■ ■ ■ ■ ■刊行」. 存: 卷一. 一冊. Burgerbibliothek Bern, Codex 350. Bound with 重修政和經史證類 備用本草. Prefaces by 茅坤 (萬曆戊子[1588]), 舒化 (萬曆十五年[1587]), and 龔廷賢(萬曆丁亥[1587]). GD. 卷一. 一冊. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Lib.Sin.19. Identical with the Bern copy, but without the preface of 龔廷賢. 卷一. 一冊. Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek, Sin.77. The later edition (see below), with the prefaces of 舒化 and 龔廷賢. GL. 卷三. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 19/1 [SC2822]. Ms. note of donor: Francis Cleere. 卷三(p.5-50). 一冊. Sinologisch Instituut, Schlegel 120. KK. 卷三(p.44). 一頁. Würtembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart). This single leaf has been used as the back endpaper of a fragmentary edition of 水滸傳 (see below). 卷六. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 19/2 [SC2823]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 卷八. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 79 [SC1950]. Postface by 周藩海陽王 崑勤炵(萬曆十六年[1588]) with the large printed seal「海陽王章」. 按: 中国中医古籍总目 (上海, 2007, p.402) records only one Zhou family edition, that of 1602. But there seem to have been two, and copies of both reached Europe. The title-page of the first has the words 「萬曆丙申[1596] 冬月周對峰重刊」, and is represented by the copies of the first fascicle in the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and the Burgerbibliothek Bern; that of the second has 「萬曆壬寅[1602]仲春周成卬重刊」, and is represented by the copy in the Oesterreichische Nationalbibliothek; the format of both is identical. It is not certain which of the other European fascicles belonged to which edition, and in view of the fact that multiple copies of this work reached Europe, it is odd that apart from the first fascicle, of which there are three copies, only 卷三 is duplicated among the discoveries to date. The history of the edition is complicated by the existence in the Naikaku Bunko of a copy from different blocks that has the 「萬曆壬寅[1602]仲春周成卬重刊」 title-page, but instead of the words 「金陵書坊對峰周曰校刊行」 at the beginning of each juan, has 「金陵書坊成卬 周文憲刊行」 in juan 1,2,7,8; 「... 玉卬周文煥 ...」 in juan 3,4; and 「... 如泉周文耀 ...」 in juan 5,6. 增定便攷萬病囘春善本 八卷. (明)龔廷賢撰; (淸)汪淇校. 淸康熙元年[1662]序刊本. 存: 全. 八冊. Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, MS 227. See: Nasmith, James: Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum quos Collegio Corporis Christi et B. Mariæ Virginis in Academia Cantabrigiensi legauit reverendissimus Matthæus Parker, archiepiscopus Cantuariensis (Cambridge, 1777), p.300 "a collection of Chinese manuscripts". CA. 按: It is not certain that this book came to Europe in the 17th century. If it did, its late date suggests that it would have been an English East India Company import. 補遺雷公製便覽. 萬曆十七年[1589]金陵書林唐少橋刊. Title-page has 萬曆己丑歲少橋梓, and illustration in upper half. Beginning of 卷一 has 金陵唐少橋梓. 存: 卷一(to p.22, of which there are 2), 二(p.1 only). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 24 [SC2833]. Ms. note of donor: Owen Wood. [小兒良方全嬰]. 萬曆中建陽書林熊心舜刊. Title of first section taken from upper 版心 in the absence of any other indication. Title of second section is followed by 卷之 and nothing else; has 小兒全嬰 in upper 版心; has 建邑書林熊心舜刊 at beginning of text; chapter end title is 新刻京板小兒良方全嬰. 存: 小兒良方, pp.25-38 (end); 新鍥太醫院精選小兒全嬰秘法, 9pp. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 31 [SC2840]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 丹溪心法附餘 [全二十四卷首一卷]. 嘉靖萬曆間書林唐氏刊. 半頁12行24字, 四周單邊, 白口, 單魚尾. 卷首 has printed label on cover: 姑 蘇重刊丹溪心法附餘. 卷二十四 has 書林唐氏梓行 at end of text (the last 3 characters are extremely faint). 存: 卷首. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/1 [SC2841]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/2 [SC2843]. Ms. note of donor: William [Herbert], Earl of Pembroke. 卷二至四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/3 [SC2845]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷五至七. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/4 [SC2846]. Ms. note of donor: John Clapham. 卷十一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/5 [SC2848]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. 卷十七(fragments). 一冊. St John's College, Oxford (deposited in the Bodleian Library, St John's Coll.Chin.2). This is a very tattered remnant. It seems that the leaves have been ripped out of the western binding, so that only the inside portions remain. No 版心 of any leaf remains. Portions of the first and last page of 卷十七 are present, and it is assumed that the other fragments are also from that juan. Formerly in the possession of Laud. Front endpaper is inscribed 1638. 卷十八, 十九. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/6 [SC2849]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 卷二十二, 二十三. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/7 [SC2850]. Ms. note of donor: John Clapham. 卷二十四. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 32/8 [SC2851]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 按: As with 新刊萬病回春 above, although it is clear that at least two copies of this work were introduced, it is not certain which fascicles belonged to which copy. 又一部. 存: 卷首. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 33/1 [SC2842]. Printed label as S.32/1. Ms. note of donor: Martin Lumley. 卷一. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 33/2 [SC2844]. Ms. note of donor: William [Herbert], Earl of Pembroke. 卷二(p.3b-30b), 卷三(p.1-34a), 卷四(p.1a-24a). Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Bibliothèque Royale), MS19906; 卷四(p.24b) is found between the pages of MS19911. AD. 卷五至七. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 33/3 [SC2847]. Ms. note of donor: Katherine Sandys. 卷十六, 卷十七(incomplete). 二冊. Sinologisch Instituut, Schlegel 121. 卷 十六 p.1-75 are bound in one volume, and 卷十六 p.76 and 卷十七 p.1-38 are bound in the other. KK. 卷二十二(p.3)至卷二十三(p.23). 一冊. Cambridge University Library, Sel.3.273. The fasc. has lost pages at both ends. It came from the Leiden scholar Thomas Erpenius (1584-1624), whose collection was bought by George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. Villiers' widow presented it to Cambridge University in 1632, and it was described as "Liber Sinensis" by Bernhard (2501: vol.1, pt.3, p.274) in his list of the additions to Cambridge University Library from the library of Thomas Erpenius. 卷二十四(首尾殘, 存1b至99b, 闕1a及100a以下《丹溪翁傳》末數葉). 一冊. Christ's College, Cambridge, DD/4/11. ZC. [藥方]. 抄. 一冊. A book of medical prescriptions. A very small 袖珍 fasc. (93 x 54mm.). Ms. text within indigo printed (藍印) text frame. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Laud Or.327 [SC913]. Ms. title has been written with western pen on front cover, and has been corrected. Ms. note on front flysheet: "Liber allatus ex Regno Sinarum per Medicum Londinensem. Ao 1622." 類編傷寒活人書括指掌圖論 [全十卷]. 萬曆十七年[1589]金陵書林唐少橋刊. 半頁12行23字, 四周雙邊, 白口, 單魚尾. Title-page has 萬曆己丑金陵書坊唐氏 少橋梓行. 存: 卷一, 二(to p.15). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 76/1 [SC1961 (G.19)]. 卷三(p.1a-19b), 卷四(p.1a-26a). 一冊. Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Bibliothèque Royale), MS19911. AD. 卷五(from p.2), 六, 七(to p.9), 八. 一冊. Sinica 76/2 [SC1961 (G.19?)]. 按: Label on back cover of S.76/1 indicates that this was the first fasc. of Golius no.19. S.76/2 appears to be part of the same copy, the covers and binding holes matching the original binding holes of S.76/1. 又一部. Beginning of 卷五 has 金陵書坊唐氏少橋重刊. 卷六 begins 新類編活人.... 存: 卷四(last page only, p.24), 五, 六, 七(to p.3). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 77 [SC1961 (G.19?)]. Has ms. note (upside down) in Dutch on first page: "Chines boeck, den 20 Junio 1620 van Amsterdam gebrocht." 按: Marbled cover paper is of a piece with other Golius fasc. At least two copies of this work must have reached Europe, as this fasc. duplicates S.76/2. 又一部. 卷九 begins 新刊類編活人.... Large 牌子 on last page has 萬曆己丑年冬月金 陵唐少橋新梓. 存: 卷九(to p.16), 十(from p.5). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 78 [SC1961 (G.19?)] 按: Inside edges of covers are strengthened with marbled paper of a piece with other Golius fasc. It is possible that this fasc. may have been part of the same copy as S.76: the binding holes match, but it is slightly larger, the paper is darker, and the covers a different shade. POPULAR REFERENCE (word books, encyclopaedias, letter-writers, arithmetic) 源流總歸對類大全. 嘉靖中[?]建陽書林刊. 存: 卷五至七. 一冊. Escorial, G.IV.33. 翰林重考字義韻律大板海篇心鏡 [全二十卷]. 萬曆二十四年[1596]建陽書林葉天熹刊黑口本. 存: 卷二, 三. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 14/1 [SC2810]. Ms note of donor: Francis Vere. 存: 卷四. Two small fragments from 4:4b and 4:36b (the last page). Koninklijke Bibliotheek ('s-Gravenhage), 135 K 4. This is the second Album amicorum of Ernst Brinck (1582-1649), and the fragments are pasted on to f.121. They have been digitised. SO. 存: 卷十三. 一冊. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Sin 111-C.(Kap.13). Has ms notes on first leaf: "Seren: Bibliothecæ Archiducis Ferdinandi" (top), and "Bibliothecæ Archiducis Ferdinandi." (bottom). The copy has been digitised. SO. 存: 卷十四. 一冊. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 4 L.sin. A 119. The copy has been digitised. SO. 存: 卷十八. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 14/2 [SC2812]. Ms note of donor: Francis Vere. 存: 卷十九(pp.2b-30a). 一冊. 卷十九(又一部, pp.1b-28a, 29a). 一冊. Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, V oct. 858. KK. 存: 卷二十. 一冊. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Sin 111-C.(Kap.20). The copy has been digitised. SO. 按: The Utrecht holdings are from the same edition, but clearly from two different copies, of which one may be the same as the Bodleian holdings. 又一部. 後印. 存: 卷十三(p.10-31), 十四(to p.39). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 73 [SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19)?]. 按: This is the same edition as S.14, but does not appear to be from the same copy as the paper is inferior. Originally 2 fasc. The marbled paper covers are of a piece with many others among the Golius books. 又一部. 後印, 白口. 牌子 has 萬曆丙申歲太呂月葉會廷梓. 存: 卷十八. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 15/1 [SC2811]. Ms note of donor: William [Herbert], Earl of Pembroke. 存: 卷二十. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 15/2 [SC2813]. Ms note of donor: Martin Lumley. 按: This copy is from the same blocks as S.14 and 73, but the removal of the 黑口 indicates that it is a later printing. The 內閣文庫 (漢13433) copy of this work has exactly the same text (including 牌子 and date) as the European holdings, but is from different blocks. 京傳新刊素翁鰲頭雜字附詩柬活套便覽 一卷. 萬曆十四年[1586]建陽書林鄒少聰刊. Small 牌子 at end of text has 萬曆丙戌仲秋書林鄒氏少聰. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 29 [SC2838]. Ms. note of donor: Edward Michelborne. 增補素翁指掌雜字全集 一卷, 卓吾李先生校士民切要帖式手鏡 一卷. 坊刊. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 74 [SC1952 (G.4)]. Has yellow title page. 增補素翁指掌雜著全集 一卷, 卓吾李先生校士民切要帖式手鏡 一卷. 崇貞中一經堂刊. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 107 [possibly from SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19)]. Slightly defective. Has no title-page. 牌子 on last page has 崇貞新歲穀旦一經堂梓. Has yellow waxed paper covers. 按: Seems to be a yet more vulgar edition of S.74 (note different 8th character in title), whether earlier or later is not known. 又一部. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 80 [possibly from SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19)]. More defective than S.107, and lacking last page with 牌子. Ms. notes (illegible) on 1st page of each section. Has red waxed paper covers. 新刊類纂天下利用通俗集成錦繡萬花谷文林廣記大全 三十四卷. 明嘉靖庚申[1560]建陽書林 陳氏積善堂刊本. 有圖. 半頁14行30字, 四周單邊, 黑口, 雙魚尾. 存: 卷一, 二. 一冊. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barberini Orient.138. Has ms. note of donor on front endpaper: "Questo libro m'è stato donato dal Sr. C.te de Umanes". There is also a long descriptive note in Spanish dating to c.1600. 藝文類聚 [全一百卷]. 萬曆十五年[1587]秣陵王元貞刊本. 存: 卷五至四十三, 四十八至五十. 十冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 72 [SC1957 (G.13)]. 按: The catalogue descriptions of both Golius and Bernard give only 9 volumes, but there are now 10. The marbled cover paper and stitching are all of a piece. As the Golius no.13 is written on the 2nd fasc., it is possible that the first fasc. got separated, being among SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19) perhaps, and was later re-united. 新刊二十四孝故事 卷一. 新鍥重訂補遺音釋大字日記故事大成 卷二至八. 萬曆中鄭氏聚垣 書舍刊. 卷一半頁16行12字. 卷二至八半頁12行19字, 小字雙行. 四周單邊, 上圖下文, 黑口, 雙魚尾. 存: 全. 二冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 41 [SC622]. Lacks 6:10. Has the colophon 鄭氏聚垣書舍刊行 on last page. Has 3 different ms. notes in Dutch on cover, one dated 1603; inside cover inscribed 1635. 一冊. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-1392. Lacks 1:1-6a, 2:13b, 7:9, 8:8-12. The copy has been digitised. 按: 卷一 does not appear to be related to 卷二至八 in either form or content. There is a copy of this work (卷五至八 only) in 東大東洋文化研究所, same format but not identical; has 熊氏囗吾書舍刊行 on last page. 二十四孝. 日記故事. 坊刊. 半頁10行20字. 四周單邊, 上圖下文. 存: Fragments. 一冊. St John's College, Cambridge, S.52. Of the first juan, only fragments of the last leaves survive, bearing the characters 新刊二十 四孝首卷終. Only the first part of the next section survives, beginning 重刊 日記故事卷之上. The 版心 of all the surviving leaves have been worn away. This book was owned by William Crashawe (1572-1626), who sold his books to Henry Wriothesley (1573-1624), 3d earl of Southampton and patron of Shakespeare, on condition that they be given to St John's College on his death. The College received them from the 4th earl, Thomas, in 1635. JH. 按: The text appears to be closely related to the edition above (Bodleian Library, Sinica 41) and may also be a unique surviving copy. 新鋟評林旁訓薛湯二先生家藏酉陽搜古人物奇編. 建陽書林劉舜臣刊. Has 潭城弼虞劉舜臣校梓 at beginning of text. Most pages have 南京板 in lower 版心. 存: 卷五. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 106 [possibly from SC1949 (G.1) or 1961 (G.19)]. Has green waxed paper covers. 按: There is a complete copy (十八卷) of a different edition in 東大東洋文化研 究所. The format is identical, but the text inferior, with many vulgar characters. Beginning of 卷一 has 閩書林任吾鄭名相梓行. 閩書林 is later given as 潭城 or 潭陽, and the printer's name is given as 鄭以初 at the beginning of 卷四. At the end of the book there is a 牌子 with the text 萬 曆丙辰[1616]冬月南京原板刊行. 新鍥全補天下四民利用便觀五車拔錦 [全三十三卷]. 萬暦丁酉[1597]建陽書林鄭世魁刊. Beginning of text has 錦城紹錦徐三友校正/閩建雲齋鄭世魁梓行. At the end of the book there is a 牌子 with the text 萬暦丁酉歲孟春月/書林鄭氏雲齋繡梓. 按: 卷一, 第二頁. Museum Martena, Franeker (Friesland), S0119. Given by Andreas Colvius to Anna Maria van Schurman together with a letter dated 1637; bequeathed by her heirs to Franeker University in 1780; finally given to Franeker Municipality in 1811 and now on permanent loan to the Museum Martena. KK. 卷二十四至二十八. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-5652. The copy has been digitised. KK. 名公翰墨林 [全四卷]. 金陵書林余象箕刊. 白口, no 魚尾. Title-page has 金陵原版不許翻刻 and 三台館梓. Beginning of 卷一 has 三台主人皇一余象箕校刊. 存: 卷一, 二. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 62 [SC4004]. 卷三(from p.1b), 四. 一冊. Emmanuel College, Cambridge. PL. 按: 余象箕 was 余象斗's younger brother (see 官桂銓 in 文學遺產增刊 15, 1983, 125-130), but 象斗 had a 三台館 at 建陽. This is strange. 屠先生評釋謀野集 四卷. 萬曆中建陽書林熊體忠刊. Title-page has 宏遠堂熊雲濱重校梓行. End of 卷四 has 閩庠生熊體忠蓋卿甫校 梓. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 30 [SC2839]. Ms. note of donor: John Pory. 新編直指算法統宗 [全十七卷]. 清初(?)刊本. 半頁10行24字, 小字雙行同字, 四周單邊, 白口, 單魚尾. 存: 卷三至五(lacking last leaves). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 87. LITERATURE (prose, novels, plays, songs) 西漢文 [全二十卷]. 崇禎六年[1633]序刊本. 存: 卷一. 一冊. Cambridge University Library, Dd.10.4. From Bishop John Moore's library, which was acquired by the Royal Library and then presented to Cambridge in 1715 by George I. ZC. 新刊通俗演義三國史傳 [全十卷]. 嘉靖二十七年[1548]建陽書林葉逢春刊. 嘉靖二十七年[1548]鍾陵元峰子序. 有圖. 存: 卷一, 卷二, 卷四至九. 八冊. Escorial, G.IV.24-30. 按: This is not only a unique copy, but is also the earliest surviving datable edition of the novel. Images of the entire book can be seen here. AW. 新刻按鑑全像批評三國志傳 [全二十卷]. 萬曆二十年[1592]建陽書林余象斗刊. Beginning of 卷十二 has 書坊仰止余象烏批平 and 書林文台余象斗繡梓. There is a large lotus 牌子 at the end of juan 20 (in the British Library) with two columns of text: 萬曆壬辰仲夏月 / 書林余氏雙峰堂. 存: 卷七, 卷八. 一冊. Cambridge University Library, Gg.5.30. Inscribed: "Ex dono Reverendi D[octo]ris Holdsworth". Richard Holdsworth (1590-1649) was Master of Emmanuel College and from 1640-1642 Vice-Chancellor of the University. He was one of the foremost book collectors of the 17th c., and his collection passed to the University on his death. It was kept at Emmanuel College until transferred to the University Library at the beginning of the 20th century. AW. 卷九, 卷十. 一冊. Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart), R 16 Lo 1. Reproduction published by Walravens, H.: Two recently discovered fragments of the Chinese novels San-kuo-chih-yen-i and Shui-hu-chuan (Hamburg, 1982). The copy has also been digitised. 卷十一(p.2b-34a), 十二(to p.26b, but lacking p.17a). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 46 [SC 1520]. 卷十九, 卷二十. 一冊. British Library. The provenance of this fascicle before it entered the British Museum is not known, but it must have been seen by B. Walton before 1657 as the colophon (quoted above) is reproduced in Prolegomenon 2 of his Biblia sacra polyglotta as "Specimen characterum chinensium, ex initio cujusdam libri, eorum typis impressi". FW. A note on the inside cover records that it was examined on 17th December 1770 by Chetqua (the first Chinese cataloguer of the East Asian books in the British Museum collection), who ineptly describes it as "Ancient History of China". AW. 按: This is one of two known surviving copies of this edition, the other being an incomplete copy (juan 1-8, 19-20) at the Ryouzokuin 兩足院 of Kenjinji 建仁寺 in Kyoto. AW. [The European copy was formerly believed to be unique.] 新鋟全像大字通俗研義三國志傳 二十卷. 萬曆中建陽書林劉龍田刊. Title-page (藍印) has 笈郵齋藏版. Beginning of 卷一 has 書林喬山堂梓行. Beginning of 卷九 has 書林喬山堂劉氏梓. Beginning of 卷十三 has 書林劉龍田 梓行. A 牌子 at end of 卷二十 has 閩書林笈郵齋梓行, and on the same page, the last illustration has 三泉刻像 in the top left corner. 存: 全. 六冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 51 [SC 3326 (fasc. 1), 3327 (fasc. 2-6)]. 按: This is presumably a later printing by 笈郵齋 of 劉龍田's edition. 又一部. 存: 卷八至十三. British Library, 15333.e.4. AW. 卷十七, 十八. 一冊. Deutsche Staatsbibliothek, Lib.Sin.139. 按: It is not clear if these two fragments are from the same copy. 新刻演義全像三國志傳. 黎光閣刊. Has 黎光閣 in lower 版心 of most pages, but none in 卷十五. 存: 卷十五至二十(p.21a). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 55 [SC 3995]. Ms. note of donor: Octavian Pullen, London bookseller, July 6th 1659. 新鍥三藏出身全傳 四卷. (明)陽至和編. 萬曆中建陽書林朱蒼嶺刊. Has 芝潭朱蒼嶺梓 at beginning of text, and 書林彭氏發圖像秋月刊 in two columns to left of picture in upper part of 1.1a. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 35 [SC 2853]. Ms. note of donor: George, Lord Berkeley. 按: This is the sole surviving copy of this edition. 新刻京本全像插增田虎王慶忠義水滸全傳. 坊刊. Title taken from beginning of 卷二十一 (Paris). Has ills. at top of page. Has 全像水滸 in 版心. 存: 卷三, 第一頁 and other missing leaves in the Stuttgart fragment, mostly from 卷三. Acquired by the Chinese scholar Ai Junchuan 艾俊川 from an English seller on eBay in December 2007 for the sum of £26. See: 艾俊川:从欧洲回流的插增本《水浒传》残叶 (华西语文学刊 11[2015],217-229), where the leaves are reproduced. ZC. 卷三(from 第十三頁)至七. Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart), R 16 Lo 2. The fragment has also been reproduced and published by Walravens (see 新刻按鑑全像批評三國志傳 above). 卷九~十三. In private ownership and of unknown provenance. In a mid-19th c. western binding. The volume was acquired for the sum of £18,100 on eBay in 2019 from a bookseller in Winchester. AW. 卷十五~十九(incomplete). Royal Library, Copenhagen, OA 102-145/Mus. 卷二十, 二十一(第一~四頁). 一冊. Bibliothèque Nationale, Chinois-4008. 卷二十二, 第十四頁. Bodleian Library, Sinica 121 [SC 3126]. Formerly in limp vellum cover with ms. note on flysheet: "A booke of China given me at Leyden by Doctor Merla [1593-1607] professor in histories". 按: It is assumed that the above fragments are all from the same copy of the same edition, of which this is the sole surviving example. 風月錦囊. 嘉靖三十二年[1553]建陽書林詹氏進賢堂刊. 有圖. 存: 全. 二冊. Escorial, G.IV.31-32. 按: Reproduced in the series《善本戲曲叢刊》第四輯第一冊 (臺北 : 臺灣學生, 1987年). AW. 重刊五色潮泉插科增入詩詞北曲勾欄荔鏡記戲文 一卷. 嘉靖四十五年[1566]余新安刊. 存: 全(lacks pp.2, 95, much of 96, 99). 二冊(原一冊). Bodleian Library, Sinica 34 [SC 2852]. 按: Only one other copy of this work is extant, in Tenri Library. Several reproductions have been made in recent years. 新刻芸窗彙爽萬錦情林. 萬曆中建陽書林余文台刊. Has 三台館山人仰止余象斗纂 and 書林雙峰堂文台余氏梓 at beginning of 卷六. 存: 卷五(pp.2-53a), 六(to p.30). 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 45 [SC 1519]. 按: Other parts of this copy may be in the Vatican Library. PL. 新鍥梨園摘錦樂府菁華 六卷. 萬曆二十八年[1600]建陽書林王會雲刊. Title-page has illustration in upper half, with 三槐堂 above, and 王會雲刊 行 below. Beginning of 卷一 has 書林王會雲梓. 牌子 has 萬曆庚子歲仲秋月三 槐堂王會雲繡梓. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 27 [SC 2836]. Ms. note of donor: John Pory. 按: This is a unique printed copy, reproduced as first item in 善本戲曲叢刊 (台灣學生書局, 1984). 新刻增補戲隊錦曲大全 二卷. 萬曆三十二年[1604]瀚海書林李碧峰陳我含刊. 存: 全. 一冊. Cambridge University Library, Ff.1.10. From Bishop John Moore's library, which was acquired by the Royal Library and then presented to Cambridge in 1715 by George I. ZC. 箋註唐賢三體詩法 [全二十卷]. 坊刊. 存: 卷十五至二十. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 28 [SC 2837]. Ms. note of donor: Charles Danvers. MAPS (and a rutter) [東西洋航海圖]. 明末寫. 存: 全. 一幅. 154 x 96公分. 英文題名「The Selden Map of China」. Bodleian Library, MS.Selden Supra 105 (= Arch.O.a.11) [SC 3490]. The original stave on which the map was mounted, together with the cotton lining and yellow box dating from the restoration in 1919, are shelfmarked MS.Selden supra 105* (= Or.long.A.31). 按: The importance of this map was discovered by Robert Batchelor during a visit to the Bodleian Library in the first week of January 2008. Previously, it had never been noticed that it indicates shipping routes with compass bearings from Quanzhou 泉州 to all parts of the world known to the Chinese by the late Ming. In this respect it is quite unique. 廣輿圖. 嘉靖中(1555-1558)刊. 存: 一冊, 有缺. Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum ('s-Gravenhage), M.115.B.1. Described by Marcel Destombes: "A rare Chinese atlas", in Quaerendo 4:4 (1974), 336-337. Given by Philippe Couplet to Nicolas Witsen in 1684. KK. 按: Luo Hongxian's 羅洪先 preface (missing in the Hague copy) explains that he brought up to date a map that had originally been drawn in the Yuan Dynasty by Zhu Siben 朱思本, and arranged it in book form owing to the inconvenience of having to unroll it. 南北兩京十三省圖考. 康熙十八年[1679]北京呂君翰刊. Text at bottom followed by 康熙己未端陽月北京呂君翰選錄梓行. 存: 全. 一幅. Bodleian Library, Sinica 92. A label pasted on to the back of the map before resoration (and now kept separately as Sinica 92*) reads: "[Map of Chin]a given by Mr Brown [an East Indi]a merchant, who also gave severall Indian Books and writings." 按: There is a large central panel at the top of the map whose text is largely missing, but comparison with a Japanese copy of this map in the 內閣文庫 (4804) made in 寬延庚午[1750] has 歷代分野止界古今人物吏跡 in the equivalent position. 週天經緯圖考, 皇輿地圖考. 刊. A pair of hanging scrolls, being maps of the heavens and the earth, presumably rare if not unique. Each has a map in the centre with text at top and bottom. The map of the Heavens incorporates diagrams which are also found in 天經或問, an astronomical treatise based on the work of Jesuit scholars composed around 1675. NH. 存: 全. 二幅. Bodleian Library, Sinica 123. Given by George White, East India merchant, in 1684. 順風相送. 抄. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, MS.Laud Or.145 (= Arch.O.d.41) [SC 1497]. Inscribed on front flysheet: 1637. CALENDARS Note: Calendars are official government publications containing the single-leaf diagram 年神方位之圖 followed by day-columns for each month. [七政臺曆]. 萬曆中(?)刊. 存: 卷七(incomplete, preserved from 己未年[1559] to 戊辰年[1568]). 一冊. Württembergische Landesbibliothek (Stuttgart), R 16 Kal 1. There is no direct evidence to confirm that this was a 17th century import, but the original shelfmark Cod. or. 4° 4, especially the low number 4, indicates that it was part of the founding collection of the Library's predecessor, the Herzogliche Öffentliche Bibliothek founded in 1765. The calendar has been digitised. 按: A multi-year calendar, possibly the earliest extant example of its type. MT, ZC. 大明永曆二十五年歲次辛亥大統曆. 南明永曆二十五年[1671]刊. 藍印. Yellow silk cover with seal. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 57 [SC 3997]. Ms. note of donor: Robert Boyle, 1671. 按: Fifty copies of this calendar were presented by the "King of Formosa" (i.e. 鄭經, 1642-1681, eldest son of Coxinga) to Ellis Crisp, who had been sent with the pink Bantam and the sloop Pearl from the East India Company factory in Bantam in May 1670 in order to establish a factory in Taiwan. 又一部. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 58 [SC 3998]. Ms. note of donor: Henry Aldrich [dean of Christ Church, 1669-1682]. 又一部. Yum Lie 存: 有缺. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Rawl.4°.599. Ms. notes: "Calendarium pro an. xxv imperatoris 永曆 Yum Lie"; "Suum cuiq[ue]. Tho: Hearne. 1729. A Chinese printed Book.". 又一部. 存: 有缺. 一冊. Christ Church, Oxford, Wake Arch.Sup.D7. Lacks silk covers, bound in western marbled paper and stitched in Chinese style. Ms. note: "Liber Ms. in Linguâ Chinensis / ex dono Th. Heath Civis Lond. / [illegible word]." The immediate provenance is Charles Boyle, whose bookplate is pasted inside the front cover. CN. 又一部. 存: 全. 一冊. Magdalen College, Cambridge, Ms.1914. From the Pepys Library. 又一部. 存: 有缺. 一冊. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, Ms.3.2.17. 又一部. 存: 全. 一冊. Clare College, Cambridge, G1.3.44. Given to the Fellows' Library in 1701 by Joseph Maryon, who is on record as a Fellow and Leeds Scholar of the College in 1668. Discovered in September, 2010. RS. 又一部. 存: 全. 一冊. British Library, 15298.a.30. From the official papers of Thomas Hyde. Cover inscription: "Chinense Calendarium, cum quarundam rerum interpretatione." 又一部. 存: 有缺. 一冊. British Library, 15298.a.6(1). Lacks cover. Bound with 21 later Qing calendars. 大明永曆三十年歲次丙辰大統曆. 南明永曆三十年[1676]刊. 存: 全. 一冊. St John's College, Cambridge, S.14. Inscribed: "Anno Domini 1676. This Almanack was given to Mr. John Dacres merchant in ye East Indys by Pun Poin, then King of Tyon." The covers and half the yellow title-page are missing. The doubled leaves are hinged at their top edges in a western guardbook. It is not clear when or from whom the College received this calendar. JH. 大明永曆三十一年歲次丁巳大統曆. 南明永曆三十一年[1677]刊. 藍印. Yellow paper cover with seal. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 88. Inscribed on front cover: "A Chyna Almanack. Given me by Mr. Coley, 28 Sept. 1680. E. Ashmole." 按: Discovered in summer, 2006. I am not aware of any later editions of the Southern Ming calendar. ALMANACS Note: Almanacs are private publications which are usually much more elaborate than calendars, with many additional sections relating to prognostication and morality. 天啟七年丁卯造福日子統宗. 明天啟七年[1627]刊. 存: 全. 一冊. Peterhouse, Cambridge, Perne Library B.6.13. Inscribed "Volumen hoc Chinense/ D.D. / Lucas Faune Civis et / Stationarius Lond[iniens]is / Bibliothecae M[agistr]i et / Sociorum Coll[egii] S[ancti] P[etri] / in Acad[emia] Cant[abrigensi] / Ita testor La[zarus] Seaman." Luke Fawne was a London bookseller, active at the Parrot in St Paul's Churchyard between 1631 and 1666. Lazarus Seaman (d.1675, see ODNB) was a Presbyterian and intruded Master of Peterhouse from 1644 to 1660 (ejected August 1660). He served as vice-chancellor in 1653-4, and was also active at Sion College in London in the early 1650s. He was instrumental in securing John Cosin's sequestered library for Peterhouse in 1644. SM. 天星日子. 明崇禎四年[1631]刊. 四周單邊. 白口. 無魚尾. There is a yellow title page with the words 「 崇禎 四年辛未歲」 across the top, and a dragon design in the upper half. In the lower half are the words 「天星 / 郡庠生莊詠蓼致 / 日子」 in three vertical columns. Some leaves in the calendar section have the words 造福小通書 in the lower 版心. 存: 全. 一冊. Pembroke College, Cambridge, LC.I.34. The College's Benefactors' Book records that the London merchant Edward Tines donated a Qu’ran, probably the early 1630s, followed by a Chinese book in 1633. WP. 又一部. 存: pp.3-10, 13-16, 18, 20-21 (prefatory material); then the calendar section, 24 unnumbered leaves. 一冊. Corpus Christi College, Oxford, MS.216 [Bernard no.1683]. The shelfmark of the volume suggests that it was given to the College in the mid-17th century. The upper portion of the title-leaf (bearing the date) is missing, but the date is also found in the calendar section of the text, and the edition is identical with the Pembroke copy. 陳良駿選辛亥年通書便覽. 康熙十年[1671]書林鄭氏刊. Has red title-page with 擇日館原廣城今一館佛山高地街一館大壢. Back endpaper has 鄭舖發行請認古鼎為記 with picture of tripod. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 96. 按: Popular almanacs are so ephemeral that it is tempting to think that this item was picked up on the same voyage as the Southern Ming calendars for 1671 described above. 康熙二十九年庚午日用集福通書. 康熙二十九年[1690]石江書林梓行. 存: 全. 一冊. British Library, 15298.a.32. From the official papers of Thomas Hyde. Cover inscription: "Chinensis liber seu comment(arius) in Lineolas Fokianas, sc. quas posuit Imperator Foki." Title-page inscription: "Sinicus commentarius in Lineolas Fokianas, positas ab Imperatore Foki, quae in hac prima pagina cernuntur forma rotunda." 類編曆法通書大全. 嘉靖中[?]建陽書林刊. 存: 卷十至十九. 二冊. Escorial, G.IV.34-35. 按: A treatise on how to distinguish lucky and unlucky days. MISCELLANEOUS 曆法正宗 不分卷. 崇禎十七年[1644]刊本. 存: 一冊. Cambridge University Library, Dd.4.48. There are two possible provenances: the "liber Chinensis idiomatic" in the Donors' Book given by Henry Isaacson (1581-1654); or the "Liber Chinensis impressus fol." from Bishop John Moore's library, which was acquired by the Royal Library and then presented to Cambridge in 1715 by George I. ZC. 岳陽樓記. 刊. 折裝. White text on black. 存: 全. 折裝一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 63 [SC 4005]. 按: A small 法帖, the calligraphy by (明)文徵明. ZG. [法帖]. 刊. Title at beginning of text is 名書集選法帖. 存: 17頁. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 91 [SC 2969]. Has limp vellum cover. Ms. note in Latin on vellum cover, illegible. According to SC (2i, 558) "acquired about 1618". 符讀書城南. 刊. 折裝一冊(四頁). Has 臥雲齋勒 at end of text. 存: Bodleian Library, Sinica 5 [SC 2791]. 按: Text by (唐)韓愈, calligraphy by (明)祝允明. ZG. 又一部. 存: Bodleian Library, Sinica 6 [SC 2793]. 又一部. 存: Bodleian Library, Sinica 7 [SC 2794]. [抄本]. 一幅. Ms. fragment, the last part of a document dated 萬曆四十五年[1617]九月十一 日. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Chin.d.2 [SC 8811]. JESUIT WORKS (religious) 天主降生出像經解. 崇禎中刊. Preface dated 1637. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 60 [SC 4002]. Cover has ms. note in Portuguese and dedication to William Thurston by P. Andre Xavier. This copy is more complete than the Douce copy, having preserved its original covers and IHS frontispiece; it is also printed on luxurious gold-flecked paper. After examining copies in Paris and Rome, Yuming Sun (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri) said "Sinica 60 is the best (and most precious) of all extant copies". YS. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Douce Chin.d.6. This copy was brought to Europe by Fr. François Noël, S.J. and was lodged in a Jesuit residence in the Southern Low Countries (Lille, possibly). After the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1777 it was auctioned and entered the private collection of Frans Korneel Cuypers de Rymenam in Brussels. This collection was auctioned in 1802 and the copy was acquired by Francis Douce. It passed to the Bodleian in 1834 along with the rest of his collection. NG. 按: Illustrated life of Christ by Portuguese Jesuit Giulio Aleni. Ills. of exceptional quality. 聖經直解. 崇禎中刊. 存: 目錄. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 61 [SC 4003]. Inscription as on Sinica 60. 按: This is the index only to 聖經直解 (the gospels for Sundays and the main festivals) tr. by the Portuguese Jesuit Emmanuel Diaz. 天學辨敬錄. 崇禎中刊. Title at beginning of text is 孟士表先生辨敬錄. Has 金能堂 in lower 版心. Has three prefaces, the last dated 崇禎壬午[1642]. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 56 [SC 3996]. Cover has ms. note in Portuguese on title & author. 按: Treatise on Christianity by the Portuguese Jesuit Joao Monteiro. JESUIT WORKS (secular) 表度說. 萬曆中刊. Preface dated 萬曆甲寅[1614]. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 65 [SC 1960 (G.17)]. 按: Work on gnomonics by the Italian Jesuit Sabatthinus de Ursis. 天問略. 萬曆中刊(甲本). Perhaps the first edition of this work. AD. 周希令's preface lacks characters in lower 版心. After 王應能's 刻天文略題詞 there is 繼刻有表度說簡平義說幾何天文諸書. Also, there are 4 more plates before the main text, possibly being the earliest Chinese representations of European dials. SY. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 66 [SC 1953 (G.9)]. 天問略. 萬曆中刊(乙本). From different blocks throughout, this is the more common edition of this work, and is perhaps the second edition. AD. Has 刻天文略題詞 by 王應能 dated 萬曆乙卯[1615]. 自序 also has this date. 周希令's preface has 旌德劉光暘刊 in lower 版心. 存: 全. 一冊. Bodleian Library, Sinica 67 [SC 1960 (G.16)]. The covers are shorter than the text-block, and the front cover bears the printed label 幾何原本第六卷. The cover bears the Golius catalogue no.16, "Philosophia Chinensium, cum fig.", but Bernard changed this description to "Liber Geographicus Chinensis, cum fig." It is possible that the cover did indeed contain the text-block of 幾何原本 in the time of Golius, and that it subsequently became detached and was erroneously stitched on to this fascicle; Bernard, noting the discrepancy, may therefore have changed the description to a subject which vaguely matches the illustrations. 按: Ptolemaic astronomy by the Portuguese Jesuit Emmanuel Diaz. 康熙十年二月十五日丁酉夜望月食圖. 康熙十年[1671]刊. 存: 全. 一冊. British Library, Or.74.b.6. From the official papers of Thomas Hyde. Inscribed: "Phases lunares Sinico-Tartarice descriptae, viz. an account of an eclipse as it appeared in China, printed in the Chinese and Tartar languages answering to each other column-wise, printed by Father Verbiest late Professor of Astronomy in China. This tho small in bulk, is a great Rarity, it being the only thing of this kinde now in England. 1700." 又一部. 存: 全, 有缺. 一冊. British Library, Or.70.bbb.3. Sloane. [Vocabularium Hispanico-Sinense]. Ms. 1 vol. Chinese characters arranged in alphabetical order of pronunciation, with Spanish equivalent. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Marsh 696 [1943 (, SC 9693]. [Thesaurus rarissimus]. Ms. 1 vol. Chinese words, mostly bisyllables, arranged in alphabetical order of pronunciation, with Spanish equivalent. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Marsh 111 [1941 (, SC 9106]. Vocabulario [...]. Ms. 1 vol. Chinese-Portuguese word list, romanisation only, arranged in alphabetical order. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Marsh 613 [1942 (, SC 9610]. PROTESTANT WORKS Note: Both of the following manuscripts have been described by Koos Kuiper: "The earliest monument of Dutch Sinological studies" in Quaerendo 35:1-2(2005), 109-139. Compendium doctrinae Christianae. Ms. 1 vol. A collection of works by Justus Heurnius (1587-1651/2), Dutch Protestant missionary in Batavia (from 1624), dated 1628 (p.249a) and 1629 (p.215a). Chinese text in columns, with pronunciation to left and Latin translation to right. Heurnius was assisted by a Chinese who had studied Latin in Macao, so Jesuit terminology is used. However, the work should be considered an early Protestant missionary attempt among the Chinese. KK. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Marsh 456 [1940 (, SC 9454]. 存: British Library, Sloane 2746 (bound with Dictionarium Sinense). KK. 存: Leiden University Library, Acad 224. KK. Dictionarium Sinense. Ms. 1 vol. Dutch-Chinese word list, also by Heurnius. Arranged in columns: 1st column contains Dutch words (in alphabetical order) with Latin translation, 2nd column has Chinese characters, 3rd has romanised pronunciation. 存: Bodleian Library, MS.Marsh 678 [1939 (, SC 9675]. 存: British Library, Sloane 2746 (bound with Compendium doctrinae Christianae). KK. 存: Leiden University Library, Acad 225. Without the Latin translations. KK.